樓主: C09394

[樓上骨] 輕談淺暢USB 樓後再聚 (三) (完滿結業)

   火..   [複製鏈接]
發表於 2011-10-31 13:00:52 | 顯示全部樓層

囡囡已下線, can't recall her service advertisement, but if she didn't advertise about Plan C, maybe we can leave this for private discussion.  

But don't just assume BM is natural if someone offer Plan C, the lady I visit recently (Zoe) has Plan C but not BM, this is a bit odd so I stated in my report, and suggest those who want to have BM better clarify themselves,我無都唔敢話人地一定無或將來一定無!
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發表於 2011-10-31 13:02:21 | 顯示全部樓層
C09394 發表於 2011-10-31 00:31
出一份報告真係幾辛苦的,分分鐘時間仲耐過出去 dup 一次骨架,所以好多謝有係度出過報告既 ching 們{:278 ...

我打倉頡都幾快, 所以打report唔洗好耐, 不過荷包乾硬化就無計
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發表於 2011-10-31 13:18:11 | 顯示全部樓層
bowlharder 發表於 2011-10-31 12:51
ching先熱身, 再比洋洋醫師dup.
其實我本來都book了Sat 7:00pm.  奈何老虎乸突然通知 ...

7:00pm 約左洋洋?

有無諗過帶埋仔上去? 其實洋洋都唔少家庭客架!
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發表於 2011-10-31 14:10:19 | 顯示全部樓層

Tried this Yoyo last week: (She said her name is Anna at that moment.)

Face: 5-6/10 (Not beautiful but ok......I guess she is about 38-40 years-old.)
Body: 5"4, C cup but feel like fake ball
Service: just ok

Firstly, wanted to try 小玉 at Room E, but that one was not not match with the Ad. As I was in a hurry, so "good is a meal, no good is also a meal.", I rushed in Room A. Bath by meself before and after service.
Part 1: She sat on my back to push my back, then 踩背(a bit risky coz no steel bar at the ceiling), then massage arms and legs. 踩背 is ok but her hands hv no power. I guess may she is lazy or her hands/arms is a bit 勞損.
Part 2: RPP is just ok but long enough(about 10 min), gal on top, then finished with doggie. She is light(less than 100 pounds.) but i hate her on top coz she just sat on me freely. I feel a bit pain.......

All in all, I think she is just ok for a try. total time include bathing was about 75 min. But i won't re-visit coz she don't do push-oil on back. Her excuse is she has no hot towels....... (That makes me miss the good old days. few years ago, one USB at TST called Joey, she has hot towels and the most wonderful is she has "暖油浸雀".)
A bit rush to write this report, wish to give a Chinese report for the next time!
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 樓主| 發表於 2011-10-31 14:23:14 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 C09394 於 2011-10-31 14:25 編輯
rtsang927 發表於 2011-10-31 02:17
不過減佐個人會開心好多,特別是當的女女話見到床面啦或者我 ...

我相信無論減到幾多好,對自己既健康有一定既幫助,從而人會變得更有動力 ,相對黎講應該對自己更有自信

sho99 發表於 2011-10-31 09:34
本人睇相後有興趣試試華源瑤瑤,睇過其他師兄報告都是似ad多,請問有師兄試過嗎? ...

其實所有報告都不應盡信 (包括我),以客觀心態所參考,分析後親自驗證,得出黎既答案會準確好多。有時間中跌一兩次錢都未必唔係好事,可能會知道邊 d 報告會更岩自己口味

hkvv 發表於 2011-10-31 09:50
可惜香港是小圈子民主,我地親愛的 4 台也是行政主導的音平台喎!

照咁講的話,如果要行政主導的話,呢個帖既決策權..... ,不過我唔會濫用既

lolusb 發表於 2011-10-31 09:56
好似星期六...4個TARGET...全部無返..打算去第二度...但又 ...


hkvv 發表於 2011-10-31 10:42
我個流程唔同,我係先做預約才出動,到做完自已個 booking 先洗樓找下次或之後的 target, 而且現在個 tar ...

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 樓主| 發表於 2011-10-31 14:43:33 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 C09394 於 2011-10-31 14:57 編輯
麻麻煩煩 發表於 2011-10-31 12:00
回覆 mklee 的帖子


hkvv 發表於 2011-10-31 12:40
除非確認 Yuki 會繼續為4台師兄們服務, 否則在現有的資料之下,建議師兄不要再傳閱有關相片了,私人留個 ...

貼出黎就唔好啦,呢 d 留返大家私底下 pm 交流會好 d,畢竟囡囡退出總有佢自己原因,相信亦唔希望大肆渲染,我們就由得事件慢慢淡出吧

小那星 發表於 2011-10-31 11:57
回覆 netnet 的帖子

我諗起馬大半年前食的, 現在幾錢唔知道, 你可以問下囡囡會好D ...
B-chow 發表於 2011-10-31 12:04
ML also have why no BM lei?
hkvv 發表於 2011-10-31 13:00
囡囡已下線, can't recall her service advertisement, but if she didn't advertise about Plan C, mayb ...


jnl 發表於 2011-10-31 13:02
我打倉頡都幾快, 所以打report唔洗好耐, 不過荷包乾硬化就無計

咁 jnl 兄真係要好好利用你既長處寫多 d 報告比大家參考啦
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發表於 2011-10-31 14:45:51 | 顯示全部樓層
hkvv 發表於 2011-10-30 02:18
Listen with a grain of salt, can hardly trust someone posting insider sharing like this in their f ...

Not so understand what you want to tell me?
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發表於 2011-10-31 14:55:41 | 顯示全部樓層
hkvv 發表於 2011-10-31 13:00
囡囡已下線, can't recall her service advertisement, but if she didn't advertise about Plan C, mayb ...

Also agree this point.
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發表於 2011-10-31 14:56:24 | 顯示全部樓層
jnl 發表於 2011-10-31 13:02
我打倉頡都幾快, 所以打report唔洗好耐, 不過荷包乾硬化就無計

Keep more Vitamin "M", your problem will gone.
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發表於 2011-10-31 15:05:28 | 顯示全部樓層
B-chow 發表於 2011-10-31 14:45
Not so understand what you want to tell me?

Well, I have the following observation.

1.  The account is an old one, registered in Dec 2007, but idled in past 4 year, this is the FIRST post from this hibernated account
2.  His/her reported about special service from HL Suki that are not on advertisement or previous reports
3.  He/she also mentioned those service might  not available to everyone

I cast my doubt on the reliability of his/report base on my observation, and believe this is a 分身 account that from someone who want to hide his/her own identity.
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發表於 2011-10-31 15:14:24 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 hkvv 於 2011-10-31 15:16 編輯
C09394 發表於 2011-10-31 14:23
照咁講的話,如果要行政主導的話,呢個帖既決策權..... ,不過我唔會濫用既 ...

你係板主就有份行政主導,可以隨時刪我文或改內容,但你唔係喎,你都係同我地企係行政主導呢4 個字下面,分別只係你企前 d,揹重 D,所以有你擋住係好事喎!
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發表於 2011-10-31 16:01:37 | 顯示全部樓層
hkvv 發表於 2011-10-31 15:05
Well, I have the following observation.

1.  The account is an old one, registered in Dec 2007, bu ...

OIC, Fully understand now and thanks for the information.
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發表於 2011-10-31 16:09:16 | 顯示全部樓層
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既然開朗左, technique好左
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發表於 2011-10-31 17:10:04 | 顯示全部樓層
出來呃翻個post + say hi 先
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發表於 2011-10-31 17:51:53 | 顯示全部樓層
B-chow 發表於 2011-10-31 14:56
Keep more Vitamin "M", your problem will gone.

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發表於 2011-10-31 18:05:53 | 顯示全部樓層
hkvv 發表於 2011-10-30 00:49
今日二場洋洋錫住來揼 (重頭戲)  

之前出過洋洋的報告,本來再次造訪都唔打算寫住,但比人知 ...

相互溝通才取得令你感覺舒暢 返學先  
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發表於 2011-10-31 20:28:07 | 顯示全部樓層
今次主角係福樂5/F D1室 無AD的 YOYO
星期六.本有4個TARGET打算睇啱就C但入一個......點知............全部休息,連望下個樣都不能..4C2 5A8...ETC...
唯有洗下樓...洗到去五樓,剛有一女子出LIFT..幾高,5尺6-7 長髮,仲好白...望下個樣..我比85分 ...可愛型...仲要好大波..目測35C+ .....眼見她準備入屋,就即上前問價...
她說345 80分鐘.... 心諗,,有沒那麼,,跟她說看下先...之後就再洗一次.看看我的TARGET返左未.... (當然一個都無返)
一除BAR....OMG 假... ....最慘假得好肉酸...變左型....最後草草了事就走..
樣貌 85分-27-29AGE
身材 90分....如果係真..... >.<
服務 70分.... 不過不失
環境 80分 幾乾淨

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發表於 2011-10-31 22:18:43 | 顯示全部樓層
Confirmed with Hei Lei Kitty today, Yuki had retired...she pass some of the furniture to Kitty apartment...and arrange her apartment to another gal...now a very fresh new, but just want to let everyone know...may we bless yuki for her bright future in other environment!!! add oil!!
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發表於 2011-10-31 23:34:56 | 顯示全部樓層

5A6 YUKI 忙緊, 5D2 又係, 3A7 又八點收工

本身想入5A1, 結果入左 5AX CANDY ....

問左價, 300 60分鐘

一個字 - 快.

DUP 左 15分鐘多D (一節萬王之王), 冇RPP, 轉身,

自動解甲, 好大下...


我唔想嘈, 因為已經成身骨痛.

打左5分鐘, 未完事我自己已經叫停去沖涼...

放低320走人... 全程得30分鐘. 係我自己ON9左!
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發表於 2011-11-1 01:33:10 | 顯示全部樓層
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瑶瑶值得師兄一試! 試過多次~ 次次有不同的惊喜!
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