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Urgent!!!Urgent!!!有個難題想請教各位C hing 幫忙

發表於 2011-8-28 20:07:52 | |閱讀模式


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本帖最後由 returnerDan 於 2011-8-28 20:11 編輯

話說我有個女仔friend ,暫稱距做”A"啦,
咁"A"呢就有個friend ”B" ,
即系無簽過VISA就喺香港逗留既人(我其實唔系好知難民既定義) ,

於是距就想彷效一D以前同距一樣系難民,但而家已攞左身份證既同鄉既做法啦 ,就系比錢搵件港女同距搞
假結婚 !? 咁如是者距就搵左 ar “B” 幫手搵人嘞 ,最終亦搵到ar "A"幫手 。
由於ar "A" 等錢洗(欠財仔之類) 而ar "C"急于來港定居 ,所以願意出高價比ar “A" ,聽聞比成5萬蚊cash距 ,
咁ar "A"之前查實有好多女仔friend都有做過 ,不過全部都系幫D大陸路搞,雖然價錢小一半,但系對方都叫做
系中國人 ,起碼唔系無簽VISA而來港既難民 ,所以ar "A"而家就有D心大心細 ,怕有麻煩,唔知做唔做好 。

咁作為距個好好朋友,老實講我又唔識個條ar "B"同ar "C" ,而且小弟一向對南亞裔人士唔太有好感 ,咁我就當
然勸距認真考慮下先,間接兜左個圈叫距唔好做啦不如 ,之但系喺大拿拿5雞野既誘惑底下,距都好似已經
決定左要做咁嘞,果然港女都系見錢眼開,不過我respect 距唔系一般飯來張口,老X馮個D港女,所以就當系
幫下距,喺呢度向廣大一世一既師兄師姐們請教一下以下幾個法律問題 ,



3.假設難民真系同香港人結左婚,咁系咪可以即刻申請在港逗留既簽證 ?而申請簽證既時間確實又要幾耐?

4.假設同港人結左婚之后成功申請簽證在港逗留,咁又要等幾耐先可以攞倒ID card ,而倘若距既配偶喺距等緊既途中
   想同距離婚,咁會唔會影響倒距攞ID card 既進程,會唔會搞到距最終攞唔倒ID card 呢?

發表於 2011-8-28 21:08:31 |


發表於 2011-8-28 21:11:05 |
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 樓主| 發表於 2011-8-29 00:50:13 |
回覆 sahabat99 的帖子

Thanks for your advice honestly ,but the fact is actually this guy " C" is planning to make a fake marriage deal with my friend "A" ,so my friend will never go to ”C" 's country for any reason because they were actually not a couple in love for real ,it is therefore ,she want me to help her to get the answer that how long would it take to let "C" eventually get his VISA for staying in Hong Kong and then how many years to get his own HK ID card .

Basically the only thing my friend "A" concerns is how long does she need to wait until they get divorce and let her become a free woman again ,someone told me is 4 years only but I 'm not sure and that's why I tried to get the answer from members of this forum who know law very well .

This is totally a deal with money as what she told me about .She basically just marry "C" for money and "C" just marry "A" for a chance to become a HK citizen ,these are what both of them want to get via this deal .

Anyways ,thanks alot for your comment ,my friend !!
 樓主| 發表於 2011-8-29 01:05:52 |
本帖最後由 returnerDan 於 2011-8-29 01:08 編輯

回覆 honchan 的帖子

版主,唔該灑你send比我個D links !!!
不過如果你有睇翻我上面post D內容就知,因為我個friend而家系想喺距做決定為左幾雞野去同個難民“假結婚” 之前了解多D野,咁我先喺呢個法律版post個帖幫距忙問下 ,而事實上喺141呢個大家庭里面,真系可以講得上系社會上各階層既人都有,難聽D講,我相信有好多師兄師姐都有做過 “婚仔”呢D野 ,甚至可能同過難民做過。。。所以先念住喺度試下會唔會搵度個有過 “婚仔”親身經歷或者識法律既人可以指點下迷津。。。解答下疑難者。。。不過我都會叫我個friend自己打電話去問下咖啦 。

總之都唔該灑你留比我既links ,thanks alot !!!!
發表於 2011-8-29 14:06:11 |
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發表於 2011-8-29 14:22:01 |
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 樓主| 發表於 2011-8-29 16:24:13 |
回覆 sahabat99 的帖子

Thanks alot for your suggestion ,I appreciated it !!
I did told her not to doing this because I also think the way you think ,this deal will bring problems in the future but then "A" needs that money so bad and so unfortunately, I don't have enough money to borrow her to solve her problems ....so damn it ....

anyways,thanks alot ,my friend !!!!
發表於 2011-8-29 18:19:55 |
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發表於 2011-8-29 18:27:10 |
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發表於 2011-8-29 18:40:10 |
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發表於 2011-8-29 18:49:41 |
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發表於 2011-8-30 15:57:12 |
returnerDan 發表於 2011-8-28 20:07
話說我有個女仔friend ,暫 ...

1. 根據《聯合國禁止酷刑公約》(香港適用),香港有責任防止將人送回可能使該人遭受到酷刑的國家,呢啲人可以係合法進入香港,或者係偷渡,但係佢地嚟咗香港之後都會向入境處作出一個俗稱「難民申請」,喺入境處確認佢嘅難民身份之前,會批出俗稱「行街紙」俾呢啲人暫停居留喺香港,直到處理咗佢地嘅難民申請為止。

2. 冇法例規定揸住「行街紙」嘅人唔可以喺香港結婚。

3. 香港永久性居民嘅配偶一般嚟講唔會因婚姻關係而獲得香港居留權

4. 見(3)。

 樓主| 發表於 2011-8-30 17:59:30 |
本帖最後由 returnerDan 於 2011-8-30 18:09 編輯

回覆 smuck141 的帖子

C hing ,首先非常感激你既解答!!!!
你意思系就算我个friend "A"同ar "C"结左婚之后。ar" C"將來都完全無機會有得攞ID card ?

發表於 2011-8-30 23:45:50 |
returnerDan 發表於 2011-8-30 17:59
回覆 smuck141 的帖子

C hing ,首先非常感激你既解答!!!!

應該咁講,佢唔會因為同一個香港人結咗婚所以可以申請留港,佢同一般其他人要留喺香港做野一樣要申請WORK VISA。

 樓主| 發表於 2011-8-31 01:57:44 |
回覆 smuck141 的帖子

你意思系除左結婚仲有其他方法?!咁佢同香港人結左婚系咪對申請work visa有幫助 ?會方便D?

發表於 2011-8-31 10:28:26 |
唔好意思,  咁遲先覆



就係假姞婚係香港係違法的, 一經被定罪係可以被監禁的

而亦己經有案例犯罪人士被判監, 所以千祈唔好識


ed南亞人士一般都係以政治迫害為理由, 申請留港, 而獲發所謂"行街紙"


但事實上佢地好多都根本唔係難民, 所以無可能有正式難民資格, 外國亦唔會收


以我所知無人唔俾佢地係香港結婚, 不過即使係咁, 佢地亦要通過正常程序申請於香港留居

由於佢地的身份一般係佢地本地係難以核實的, 所以申請並唔容易, 時間亦唔會短

加上本身"假結婚"係有好多面的後果 , 括離婚問題, 婚姻財產問題..等等


發表於 2011-8-31 10:33:49 |
sahabat99 發表於 2011-8-29 14:22
If you ask me what I will do, I only tell my friend, "A" do not jump in this case for any reason at  ...

In fact it is not a matter between friend, the writer not saying that the proposal is for helping friend..

It is clearly a deal, an illegal deal which the foreigner pay the girl some money in return for a fake marriage in order to cheat the Government for obtaining residence> So how to treat friend is in fact not a matter to concern in thise case.

But thanks for your comment
發表於 2011-8-31 10:35:24 |
sahabat99 發表於 2011-8-29 18:19
Let see there are example of doing false matter :

1)    假離婚 妻占屋…卡債男提離婚無效, 勝訴

Please note that the law in Taiwan is different from Hong Kong and the case will have no relevancy to the situation in Hong Kong, though you may use it as a study to elaborate the consequency of fake marriage
發表於 2011-8-31 10:51:06 |
returnerDan 發表於 2011-8-31 01:57
回覆 smuck141 的帖子

你意思系除左結婚仲有其他方法?!咁佢同香港人結左婚系咪對申請work visa有幫助 ? ...




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