樓主: lukedonald

[曼谷] So many PTGF here

發表於 2018-1-5 01:43:22 |
8000 HKD 者係1000USD.... 你係泰國會無女? 包條女係香港去泰國都得呀...
發表於 2018-1-5 02:34:00 |
回復 lukedonald ##1 的帖子

Agree, well said.
發表於 2018-1-5 05:13:05 |
回復 lukedonald ##1 的帖子

發表於 2018-1-5 05:41:22 |
我覺得最最最唔使經過agent搵 ptgf 的地方就係泰國,除非你連半日時間都冇。另:如果我係 agent, 甚至安排埋偶遇,即係你一出機場,前面條女跌左條手巾仔,你幫佢執番,然後就 A-B-C-D。反正都係做戲。這樣收貴D都合理。又或者唔玩偶遇,玩強姦,即係一出機場,見到靚女,立刻中出佢。我覺得內地土豪一定覺得好玩和刺激。反正有錢冇地方洗。
發表於 2018-1-5 07:50:05 |
回復 lukedonald ##1 的帖子

Ching 中point, 但阻人搵食等於⋯
發表於 2018-1-5 07:59:14 用手機發表 |
至於錢,你唔經AA出返8k1 日, 佢做十幾個ST 既數,做乜讀乜都請假陪你
 樓主| 發表於 2018-1-5 08:37:56 |
it is a bit surprise that all the replied posts above seems quite negative to PTGF. I try to summarize the comment from the CHing below:
1. Expensive
2. No guarantee for quality and service
3. Spend this amount of money, 蛇美 would be better
4. In Thailand, no need to deploy agent. too many channels to find girls
5. Most of the thai girl has GF feel, no need to emphasis.

Anyone who tried PTGF and had good experience, please come here to share your enjoying trip and let us envy you. Things must come from two sides.
發表於 2018-1-5 09:27:40 |

舉腳贊成 懇請有幫襯過ptgf師兄 出多啲報告,俾多啲鼓勵人嘅報告 我哋……起码好似我尼种……好想好想有个高颜值身材好,既温柔又千依百顺又会享受性愛嘅贴身GF,……但又好吾想好吾想花時間去溝,去捉用神………………………… 但講返轉頭 咁多師兄係個post度 有負面嘅講法 有可能係樓主你講得太少又冇相,所以引起不滿,如果你能夠 好似之前另外一位師兄咁 有相有詳細經歴。我諗 十個有九個師兄 都會讚好
 樓主| 發表於 2018-1-5 14:16:48 |
eddie1982 發表於 2018-1-5 09:27
舉腳贊成 懇請有幫襯過ptgf師兄 出多啲報告,俾多啲鼓勵人嘅報告 我哋……起码好似我尼种……好想好想有 ...

I have not tried PTGF before therefore nothing to share. Or you want me to grap some sexy girl photos on web and post here as my PTGF?
發表於 2018-1-5 15:49:18 |
lukedonald 發表於 2018-1-5 14:16
I have not tried PTGF before therefore nothing to share. Or you want me to grap some sexy girl pho ...

Sorry ,少少誤會 ……
發表於 2018-1-6 10:14:00 |
lukedonald 發表於 2018-1-5 08:37
it is a bit surprise that all the replied posts above seems quite negative to PTGF. I try to summari ...


1. 呢幾個月PTGF有相包膠都係來自「同一位」師兄,除咗佢自己嘅之外,佢話有代朋友出包膠但都算係佢嘅!

2. 冇相包膠有一個,冇內容我只可以用鳩噏嚟形容!

3. 交換或問攞個agent聯絡資料都唔知幾多個,你PM我,我PM你,但係都冇人出包膠!

4. 投訴包膠我見一個,佢同個agent We7咗一輪但冇咗下文!另外我唔記得邊個主題,有位師兄話佢同佢個friend一齊玩過,佢條女得,但佢個friend果個唔得,佢個friend想投訴換人,佢叫唔好,話阻住人搵食,駛咗幾皮嘢,呢個真夠朋友!

發表於 2018-1-6 10:16:25 |
eddie1982 發表於 2018-1-5 15:49
Sorry ,少少誤會 ……

發表於 2018-1-6 10:30:54 |
dellwtko 發表於 2018-1-6 10:14

1. 呢幾個月PTGF有相包膠都係來自「同一位」師兄,除咗佢自己嘅之外,佢話有代朋友 ...

發表於 2018-1-6 10:40:03 |
ilovetoplay 發表於 2018-1-6 10:30

咁咪係!PTGF全寫好似係Part time girl friend,睇張相就去馬其實應該叫PT媒人相睇!
發表於 2018-1-6 10:47:47 |
dellwtko 發表於 2018-1-6 10:40
咁咪係!PTGF全寫好似係Part time girl friend,睇張相就去馬其實應該叫PT媒人相睇!

下,乜PTGF係 Stand for Part Time Girl Friend架?

乜唔係,Part Time Get FxxK咩,哈哈哈哈哈


發表於 2018-1-6 10:50:50 |
本帖最後由 dellwtko 於 2018-1-6 12:18 編輯
ilovetoplay 發表於 2018-1-6 10:47
下,乜PTGF係 Stand for Part Time Girl Friend架?

乜唔係,Part Time Get FxxK咩,哈哈哈哈哈

我都係估吓㗎咋!可能係Pay Thais Get Fxxk都唔定㗎!哈哈哈哈!
發表於 2018-1-6 11:16:30 |
dellwtko 發表於 2018-1-6 10:16

eddie 師兄應該係撈亂左 curryyiu PTGF 果個 post

發表於 2018-1-6 12:44:36 |
duckduckbee 發表於 2018-1-6 11:16
eddie 師兄應該係撈亂左 curryyiu PTGF 果個 post


我有生以來第一次參加論壇,所以有啲嘢都唔係好清楚 ,邊個打邊個!
Anyway總之我嘅宗旨就係廢話少講 要出報告一系有資訊性,一就有 娛樂性咁先對得住个壇,同唔好嘥大家時間!
發表於 2018-1-6 12:58:55 |
dellwtko 發表於 2018-1-6 09:14

1. 呢幾個月PTGF有相包膠都係來自「同一位」師兄,除咗佢自己嘅之外,佢話有代朋友 ...

http://141hongkong.com/forum.php ... dateline&page=1
發表於 2018-1-8 12:26:57 |
Hey guys
I have never tried to find the agents who can provide the PTGF. They do not deserve to pay a ton of money. I see your point . You can find the girls cheaper and better than the agents in the 蛇美. There are a lot of girls you can select.the gogobar girls also are the nice choices!!! If you pay $15000-$20000 for a girl , I suggest you get the girls from hk. When I heard that R gor’s plan, I am quite shocked. It’s fucking crazy.


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