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[曼谷] So many PTGF here

發表於 2018-1-4 16:10:07 | |閱讀模式


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I see so many post about PTGF here but some of them were queried by other CHing as advertisement.

It should be questioned because the so called PTGF cost quite a lot of money (HK$5000 - HK$8000 per day). It is surprised that in Thailand, a relatively low spending country and the ordinary people in Thailand should earn no more than hk$10,000 a month. How come the escort price is so high.

Of course, the agent needs to make money from it. seems at least 50% or more than 50% of the money falls into the agent's pocket. I am not jealous of others making money. But some of the report reveal that the agent's services was no good. The girls photo was P too much and found out not quite acceptable when meet.

It is not difficult to understandif you pay hk$15000 to hk$20000 for a girls 3 days and it turns out to be a not quite acceptable quality. It would be very disappointed.

I did not try PTGF before in BKK because it is too expensive and not quite worth of it. Unless someone can guarantee the girls look like what it show in the photo and could provide good service.
I also wonder how many CHing has tried PTGF before with the agent R.

Those CHing who asked for the agent's contact (I think over 40), please write something to let us know if you have tried it or just asked the contact for curious.
發表於 2018-1-4 17:00:24 |
回復 lukedonald ##1 的帖子

同意,我同你不会找这些agent,因為知道其他地方可以用正常价找到女,但很多新手或土豪上身会幢憬女友feel 服務,所以仍会有生意,一日有一單巳够皮費,何防出多几個廣告,反正不用錢,自会有水魚.
發表於 2018-1-4 17:06:19 |
回復 lukedonald ##1 的帖子

我冇攞contact 但比我撞下撞下search刭佢个wechat,最初見佢D wechat moment入面D女嘅相……真系吾得了,对住D相都会硬,又cute又sexy,我即刻糸咁嬲D朋友去…………过左2,3个禮拜,佢再出D相……就差好远,有D我觉得系TS,咁就冇再去諗……因为花7,8千港幣,我真系觉得蛇美,甚至Gogobar都可以揾到正野。
發表於 2018-1-4 17:31:36 |

發表於 2018-1-4 18:12:36 |
得閒咪ADD下佢囉, 佢相簿嗰啲囡, 喺其他AGENT度都有掛單, 相當普通, 切J保證你去cowboy, nana一定搵到更好嘅, 8000蚊泰幣, 都可能得, 8000蚊港紙, 真係當啲師兄係水魚

不過平心而論, 呢度真係有啲師兄, 應該係靠父幹(如果唔係, 就算有錢, 都唔會亂fing錢) 就係鍾意咁使錢  
發表於 2018-1-4 18:21:21 |

發表於 2018-1-4 18:50:31 |

發表於 2018-1-4 19:31:24 |
actually even the pimp girl cost 10,000 or so bahts for one shot..i dont see how they can charge 8000 hk dollars. Unless those girls appear in TV. Ive got a client and he said those girls appeared in the magazine/tv is about 5000 to 10,000 hk dollars for one shot. My client is no bullshit as he is one of the well known rich man in hk.  If those PTGF is like that then is worth it beause you can say i fuck a star.
發表於 2018-1-4 20:36:29 |
agree to those c hings' view. Its already over price for ptgf
發表於 2018-1-4 20:39:10 |
i agree this is not worth....
發表於 2018-1-4 21:23:39 |
回復 lukedonald ##1 的帖子

Totally agree with you, very expensive
發表於 2018-1-4 22:10:05 |
eddie1982 發表於 2018-1-4 18:21

唔係講你! 我見你仲喺另外個PTGF主題問料,你唔見果度有師兄係咁"賣夠廣告未,好煩" "賣夠廣告未,好煩 x 2"咪?
發表於 2018-1-4 22:16:26 |
dellwtko 發表於 2018-1-4 22:10
唔係講你! 我見你仲喺另外個PTGF主題問料,你唔見果度有師兄係咁"賣夠廣告未,好煩" "賣夠廣告未,好煩 x 2"咪?

對我嚟講 如果佢係堅嘅 我問定啲資料 可能我真係有一日會去試( 雖然真係好貴 ,,但邊個唔想做返一兩日皇帝)如果係賣廣告 咁我都想佢畀啲鹹古我睇下。
發表於 2018-1-4 22:17:23 |
I believe a group ppl reading this forum actually can afford such spending.  Pretty and young girls now only work for those pimp which makes qualities of both girls and their services of the remaining girls keep on dropping.....
發表於 2018-1-4 22:19:02 |
dellwtko 發表於 2018-1-4 22:10
唔係講你! 我見你仲喺另外個PTGF主題問料,你唔見果度有師兄係咁"賣夠廣告未,好煩" "賣夠廣告未,好煩 x 2"咪?

你唔見我有一段寫左………… 當我第一次見到 R先生嘅ptgf 啲女 嘅相片 我真係相當衝動 想即刻去咁濟。
咁我唔排除 如果佢哋啲質素係咁高 我真係會去幫襯。
發表於 2018-1-4 23:07:27 |
其實又好難判定係好係壞, 值唔值, 唔同 market 有唔同需要. 有 d 師兄唔鐘意做功課, 要快完成任務, 俾錢人賺, 無可口非. 就算出去玩, 同一個場都無保證次次好玩. agent 口卑好與壞, 大家有眼見 ... 自己精明少少, 小心 d 囉 ...
發表於 2018-1-5 00:14:33 |
發表於 2018-1-5 00:51:58 |
回復 lukedonald ##1 的帖子

it is ridiculous to charge 8000 HKD per day. Average salary in thailand is 10000 bahts. I will say no more than 300 USD per day. 当然模特级别的另议
發表於 2018-1-5 00:52:57 |
發表於 2018-1-5 01:06:57 |


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