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[德、意、法] 巴黎問路

發表於 2016-9-21 21:31:05 | |閱讀模式


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發表於 2016-9-22 00:07:20 |
回復 27號仔 #1 的帖子

發表於 2016-9-22 15:58:51 |
 樓主| 發表於 2016-9-24 05:40:01 |
回復 wellington #2 的帖子

唔係24小時叫雞 仲會睇下當地名勝囉 -_-
 樓主| 發表於 2016-9-24 05:40:38 |
回復 hkdry92 #3 的帖子

發表於 2016-9-24 16:07:25 |
回復 27號仔 #5 的帖子

發表於 2017-4-1 11:37:25 |
發表於 2017-4-1 12:39:10 |
回復 andy321 #7 的帖子

係咁上下啦 , 租個套房都皮野幾wor
發表於 2017-5-27 01:45:24 |
Not easy to get lady in Paris....it's expensive.....I have been the red light district....since prostitution is illegal...so it's a bit tricky there....i also get scam by some bar....the guy told me 5 Euro to get inside and watch the show....after get in....a pretty lady come to my table....and talk with. Me...then we kiss and talk...later the waiter bring some wine to the table....I ask how much the wine....at that time...I think I may fall in the trip....then the guy ask me to some area....and show me the bill.....it's about 200 or 300 Euro.... then he tell I had a girl sit with me and kisss.  Etc...so I have to pay for it.....it's really a bad experience to,share with others....
If someone outside the bar and ask you to get in for show with 5 or 10 Euro....you have to be caution about it....
發表於 2017-5-27 14:55:35 |
回復 ngpeter1688 #9 的帖子

thank you report
發表於 2017-12-31 13:45:31 |
回復 hkdry92 ##3 的帖子

Can you please provide more info.? Thanks
發表於 2018-1-1 17:51:07 |
nekrb 發表於 2017-12-31 13:45
回復 hkdry92 ##3 的帖子

Can you please provide more info.? Thanks

發表於 2018-1-14 15:59:47 |
回復 hkdry92 ##12 的帖子

Thanks a lot.
發表於 2018-1-17 13:00:29 |
回復 27號仔 ##1 的帖子

cityxguide.com这个网站上有很多in call out call都有,而且大多是independent


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