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D1- Did ching fuxk girl in bathtub?

發表於 2016-10-25 18:23:11 | |閱讀模式


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D1- Did ching fuxk girl in bathtub?

Everytime finished the service of bathtub, I ask girl fcuk with me in bathtub... Excellent !!!!
Ask girl hold the handrail and fukk with her back side.....Excellent.  But not all girl agree fukc in bath as risk of wet floor.

Before I have tried with one Viet girl, after wear the dom, and fuxk in the bathtub in sit style.  Excellent.

That Viet girl already got back to Vietnam.  So sad...
發表於 2016-10-25 23:58:35 |
回復 iwish #1 的帖子

發表於 2016-10-26 00:11:18 |
未試過 下次試下先
發表於 2016-10-26 01:08:56 |
Probably you guys like to take risks on this type of life threatening activities. But be considerate to the girls:
- They should know best on the frictions and how slippery is on a wet bathtub in D1, and how dangerous it is for a ML activity while it involves large motions and different postures. Don't blind underestimate the risks! (Do you realize that in HK, there were people died because of home slippery bathtub accidents? Do you realize that in HK sauna, there was reported death accident on some looked like common and safe activity like 踩背?)

- Do you realize that if the soap or alkaline water enters into the girl's vagina, it may cause inflammations?
發表於 2016-11-3 00:33:38 |
發表於 2016-11-8 19:02:52 |
I tried many times and one good thing about action in bathtub is that you can take off your dom and shoot on her breast.....
發表於 2016-11-8 19:34:05 |
Be considerate, don't leave your sperm and urine in the bathtub.
發表於 2016-11-10 08:35:02 |



在浴缸打炮 看起來很爽 但是 有兩點比較有疑問 一個就是太滑 不能發力
不能發力的情況之下 很難盡興 當然也許某些大大有特別的解決辦法也不一定

另一個就是如果放水 其實水很髒 如果水跑到小妹妹裡面有可能造成感染 這點其實不是太好

這招就是把女伴掛在身上 站起來打炮 結果以火車便當出名的一個日本男星腰椎有問題
火車便當這招也是一樣的 很難發力 如果你火車便當可以打得一屌好炮
肯定你把女伴放下來好好打 女伴會更爽 而且也不會傷到自己的腰椎


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