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[自然地理] 宇宙的尺度

 樓主| 發表於 2018-7-2 19:00:25 | 顯示全部樓層
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Pontolis magnus與walrus (Odobenus rosmarus)海象和人類的體型比較圖


Giant Walrus (Pontolis magnus)
Pontolis magnus (Pontolis magnus True 1905 )
Pontoleon magnus

Order: Carnivora
Suborder: Caniformia
Superfamily: Pinnipedia
Family: Odobenidae
Temporal range: late Miocene of North America
Dimensions: length - 3000 - 5000 (?) сm, weight - 1000 - 4000 (?) kg
A typical representative: Pontolis magnus True 1905

Pontolis was a large species of pinniped closely related to a modern-day walrus. It contained only the single species Pontolis magnus.
An amphibious carnivore, it was found in formerly marine or coastal areas in what is now California and Oregon, dating between 11.608 and 5.332 million years ago, during the Miocene and Pliocene.


海象科(Odobenidae)是食肉目鰭足亞目下的一科。海象科僅有海象(Odobenus rosmarus)一種。




Southern Elephant Seal And Human 南象鼻海豹與人類的體型比較圖



南象鼻海豹與北象海豹相比,個頭更大,鼻子更寬。兩性異形現象明顯,雄性個頭遠遠大於比雌性。 雌性平均體重為400-900公斤,長度2.6-3米;而雄性平均2,200-4,000公斤,長度4.5-5.8米。世界最大雄性南象鼻海豹重5,000公斤,長度6.85米。




北象鼻海豹(學名:Mirounga angustirostris)是兩種象海豹之一,屬於海豹科。牠們是兩性異形的,雄象鼻海豹平均長4米及重2300公斤,而雌象鼻海豹則長3米及重640公斤。
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-7-2 19:12:16 | 顯示全部樓層












Ctenospondylus 櫛椎龍, Dimetrodon 異齒龍, Edaphosaurus 基龍, Ianthasaurus 伊安忒龍, Secodontosaurus 切齒龍.


1)異齒龍 2) 切齒龍 3)櫛椎龍 4)楔齒龍 5)蛇齒龍
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-7-2 19:22:31 | 顯示全部樓層









似雞龍屬(學名:Gallimimus)意為「雞模仿者」,是似鳥龍科下的一屬恐龍,化石於蒙古耐梅蓋特地層(Nemegt Formation)中被發現,年代為上白堊紀(馬斯垂克階)。似雞龍最長可達4-6米及體重440公斤,是最大的似鳥龍科恐龍。似雞龍的化石有很多個體,包括有臀部0.5米高的幼體至2米高的成體。


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 樓主| 發表於 2018-7-2 19:33:54 | 顯示全部樓層







Scale diagram showing the holotype specimen (red) and the largest known specimen (gray), compared in size with a human.







補充內容 (2018-9-25 02:45):
15 Largest Feline Species to Ever Exist - Comparison
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-7-2 19:48:47 | 顯示全部樓層
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Cenozoic Beasts Size Comparison
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-7-2 20:14:58 | 顯示全部樓層












補充內容 (2018-9-7 08:46):
Size comparison of Wolf species_Sub-species
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-7-2 20:50:40 | 顯示全部樓層
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桑氏偽齒鳥 Pelagornis sandersi








漂泊信天翁(學名:Diomedea exulans)是一種大型的信天翁,生活在南冰洋附近。漂泊信天翁是體型最大的一種信天翁,也是眾多鳥類中,翼展最長的一種鳥,平均達3.1m,最長可達3.7m。漂泊信天翁花很少氣力便可飛行數千公里,其秘密在於牠的身體結構和飛行技巧。


Size comparison of extinct flying creatures
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-7-2 21:12:26 | 顯示全部樓層


泰坦巨蟒屬(學名:Titanoboa,意即「極大的蟒蛇」)是一個生活在古新世(約 6,000 至 5,800 萬年前)的無毒、肉食性蛇屬。已知的唯一種塞雷洪泰坦巨蟒(T. cerrejonensis)也是已知最大的蛇。把它石化的脊椎骨與現代蛇比較,研究人員估計其全長 13 米(43 英呎),體重超過 1,100 公斤(2,400 磅),身體最粗處厚達 1 米(3.3 英呎)。它可能是以鱷魚為食的。


Name: Titanoboa (Titan boa).

Phonetic: Ty-tan-o-bo-ah.
Named By: Head - 2009.
Classification: Chordata, Reptila, Squamata, Serpentes, Boidae, Boinae.
Species: T. cerrejonensis (type).
Diet: Carnivore.
Size: Between 12.8 and 14.8 meters long. Up to 1 meter wide at the thickest part of the body.
Known locations: Colombia - Cerrejón Formation.
Time period: Selandian of the Palaeocene.
Fossil representation: Remains of 28 individuals.




Gigantophis 非洲巨蟒, Titanoboa 泰坦巨蟒, Wonambi 沃那比蛇, Yurlunggur 天蛇,Green anaconda 森蚺 , reticulated python 網紋蟒

(二十八條巨蟒的化石是在2009年在哥倫比亞北部的塞雷洪煤礦被發現的。)二十八條蛇中最大的八條重約 2,500 磅(1,136 公斤),體長 12—15 米(37—50 英呎)。而現存最大的蛇,包括長約 7.5 米(24 英呎)的森蚺(最重的蛇)和長約 14.85 米(47.95英呎)的網紋蟒(最長的蛇)。而現存最小的蛇,卡拉細盲蛇,身長只有10 公分(4 英吋)。此前最長的化石蛇,是非洲巨蟒,出土自埃及,長 10 米。




森蚺(學名:Eunectes murinus)是一種體型巨大的無毒蛇,主要棲息於南美洲,為蚺科體型最大的成員,同時也是世上最大的蛇之一。


許多森蚺的歷史長度紀錄極為誇大,一些動物學家(包括阿爾弗雷德•拉塞爾•華萊士及亨利•貝茲)注意到許多森蚺的長度報告為30或40英尺,但是經過他們觀察顯示森蚺的長度不會超過20英尺,許多紀錄與估計都是不可靠的。曾經有一個可靠的案例,一位地理學家殺了一條森蚺後,使用一根4公尺長的棍子來計算森蚺的長度,結果發現森蚺的長度為棍子的3倍(12公尺)。但是這項資訊直到許多年以後才公開,而地理學家後來認為他可能搞錯了,森蚺的長度可能只有棍子的2倍(8公尺)。爬蟲學者威廉斯•拉瑪(William W. Lamar)在1978年的哥倫比亞曾經記錄到一條巨大的雌性森蚺,長度為7.5公尺(24.7英尺),重300至400磅。


網紋蟒(學名Python reticulatus),又稱網目錦蛇,是脊索動物門爬蟲綱有鱗目蛇亞目蟒科蟒屬的生物,無毒性,主要分布在印度、印尼、柬埔寨、新加坡、泰國、越南、菲律賓、馬來西亞、緬甸、寮國等東南亞地區。網紋蟒為世上最長的蛇。

網紋蟒最長達990公分,重100多公斤以上,為世上最大的蛇之一,其體型能與南美洲的綠森蚺相抗衡。相比之下,綠森蚺的體型一般偏向粗大,身體較重,而網紋蟒則較為細長,身體較輕。即使體型龐大但網紋蟒可以很靈活。身上的網狀紋參雜黃斑塊,可融入落葉堆的景色。 不過近年來在東南亞的某些小島發現的個體體長最多才三公尺左右,一般俗稱為「侏儒網紋蟒」。

This species is the largest snake native to Asia. More than a thousand wild reticulated pythons in southern Sumatra were studied and estimated to have a length range of 1.5 to 6.5 m (4.9 to 21.3 ft) and a weight range of 1 to 75 kg (2.2 to 165.3 lb).
The specimen once widely accepted as the largest-ever "accurately" measured snake, that being Colossus, a specimen kept at the Highland Park Zoo (now the Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, during the 1950s and early 1960s, with a peak reported length of 8.7 metres (28 ft 7 in) from a measurement in November 1956, was later shown to have been substantially shorter than previously reported.

Size Comparison Of Biggest Reptiles Ever Recorded
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-7-2 21:29:14 | 顯示全部樓層


African megafauna
Carcharodontosaurus saharicus, Gigantophis garstini, Sarcosuchus imperator, Paralititan stromeri, Ouranosaurus nigeriensis, Stomatosuchus inermis, Spinosaurus aegyptiacus, Suchomimus tenerensis, Aegisuchus witmeri, Vulcanodon karibaensis, Kentrosaurus aethiopicus, Dicraeosaurus hansemanni, Jobaria tiguidensis, Giraffatitan brancai,Nigersaurus taqueti, Spinophorosaurus nigerensis, Malawisaurus, Atlasaurus Imelakei, Arsinoitherium giganteum, Pelorovis antiquus, Barytherium, Euthecodon brumpti, Machimosaurus rex, Moeritherium, North african elephant, Palaeoloxodon recki, Crocodylus anthropophagus, Stegoteterabelodon syrticus, Deinotherium bozasi, South African mammoth, Hippopotamus gorgops, Giant cape zebra, Crocodylus thorbjarnarsoni, Agriotheium africanum, Hippopotamus amphibius, Spotted hyena, Giant eland, African forest elephant, Silverback gorilla, African wild dog, White rhinoceros, Giraaffe, Black rhinoceros, Pygmy hippopotamus, Wildebeest, African leopard, Nile crocodile, African lion, Cape buffalo, African elephant, Dromedary camel, Zebra, Ostrich and cheetah.

The largest land animal alive today in Africa is the African elephant and indeed it is the largest living land animal in the world.
The largest species of animals from Africa as seen in the image :

Largest living proboscidean / largest land animal - African elephant

Largest living antelope - Giant eland

Largest living ape - Silverback gorilla

Tallest living land animal - Giraffe

Largest living hyaenid - Spotted hyena

Largest living flightless bird - Ostrich

Largest hippopotamid - Hippopotamus gorgops

Largest carnivorous dinosaur - Spinosaurus aegyptiacus (It's not clear whether it is the most heaviest theropod. However it is the longest of the theropods.)


Antarctic megafauna
Antarctopelta oliveroi, Cryolophosaurus ellioti, Trinisaura san****rtaensis, Glacialisaurus hammeri, Antarctic titanosaur, Colossus penguin and Emperor penguin.

After the extinction of the dinosaurs on the continent,there was no large land animals present in Antarctica.

If you ask people to name an Antarctic land animal, most likely they will say 'penguin'. Eventhough 7 or so species of penguins that are considered as "Antarctic Penguins", they aren't really residents on land. The real land animals of Antarctica in the modern world are only few tiny invertebrates and you will need a microscope to see them. However, not surprisingly, Antarctica has abundance of animal life on the sea.


Australian megafauna
Australovenator wintonensis, Kunbarrasaurus ieversi, Bluff Downs giant python, Rhoetosaurus brownei, Yurlunggur camfieldensis, Muttaburrasaurus langdoni, Quinkana fortirostrum, Savannasaurus elliottorum, Wonambi naracoortensis, Diamantinasaurus matildae, Varanus priscus, Diprotodon optatum, Austrosaurus, Dromornis stirtoni, Thylacoleo carnifex, Bullockornis planei, Procoptodon goliah, Red kangaroo, Emu, Cassowary and Saltwater crocodile.

The largest animal alive today in Australia is the Saltwater crocodile.

The largest species of animals from Australia as seen in the image :
Largest flightless bird - Dromornis stirtoni (Only rivaled by the Madagascar's elephant bird, Aepyornis maximus)

Largest living crocodile / largest living reptile - Saltwater crocodile

Largest land lizard - Varanus priscus

Largest marsupial - Diprotodon optatum

Largest living marsupial - Red kangaroo


European megafauna
Torvosaurus Tanneri, Turiasaurus riodevensis, Magyarosaurus dacus, Hatzegopteryx thambema, Megalosaurus bucklandii, Iguanodon bernissartensis, Baryonyx walkeri, Gastornis gigantea, Machimosaurus hugii, Ampelosaurus atacis, Lusotitan atalaiensis, Cetiosaurus oxoniensis, Dacentrurus armatus, Hippopotamus antiquus, Elasmotherium caucasicum, Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis, Tilos dwarf elephant, Zygolophodon borsoni, Gomphotherium steinheimense, Palaeoloxodon falconeri, Deinotherium giganteum, Anancus arvernensis, Aceratherium incisivum, Elasmotherium sibiricum, Palaeoloxodon antiquus, Indarctos, Southern mammoth, Woolly rhinoceros, Steppe mammoth, Giant cheetah, Aurochs, Mosbach lion, Woolly mammoth, European jaguar, Cave bear, Cave lion, Cave hyena, Megaloceros giganteus, Steppe bison, Cervalces latifrons, Musk ox, European bison, English mastiff, Shire horse, Great dane, Thoroughbred horse and German shepherd.

The European bison is barely seen in the image but that is the largest land animal alive today in Europe.
The largest species of animals from Europe as seen in the image :

Largest pterosaur - Hatzegopteryx thambema

Largest rhinoceros - Elasmotherium caucasicum

Largest cervid - Cervalces latifrons

Largest living canid - English mastiff

Tallest living canid - Great dane

Largest living equid - Shire horse

補充內容 (2018-7-22 21:50):
African megafauna原圖(放大圖片)

補充內容 (2018-7-22 21:53):
Antarctic megafauna原圖(放大圖片)

補充內容 (2018-7-22 21:55):
Australian megafauna原圖(放大圖片)

補充內容 (2018-7-22 21:57):
European megafauna原圖(放大圖片)

補充內容 (2018-9-6 08:26):
First _ Earliest Dinosaurs Comparison and Timeline
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-7-2 21:34:38 | 顯示全部樓層


North American megafauna
Tyrannosaurus rex, Ankylosaurus magniventris,Triceratops horridus, Edmontosaurus annectens, Apatosaurus louisae, Alamosaurus sanjuanensis, Diplodocus hallorum, Torosaurus latus, Deinosuchus riograndensis, Eotriceratops xerinsularis, Magnapaulia laticaudus, Albertosaurus sarcophagus, Centrosaurus Apertus, Maiasaura peeblesorum, Daspletosaurus torosus, Amphicoelias altus, Edmontosaurus regalis, Chasmosaurus belli, Parasaurolophus walkeri, Pachyrhinosaurus, Deinonychus antirrhopus, Gorgosaurus libratus, Brontosaurus parvus, Barosaurus lentus, Brachiosaurus altithorax, Stegosaurus ungulatus, Nasutoceratops titusi, Pentaceratops sternbergii, Allosaurus fragilis, Acrocanthosaurus atokensis, Sauroposeidon proteles, Lambeosaurus lambei, Dimetrodon, Saurophaganax maximus, Supersaurus vivianae, Styracosaurus albertensis, Diabloceratops eatoni, Zuniceratops christopheri, Utahraptor ostrommaysorum, Albertaceratops nermoi, Kosmoceratops richardsoni, Apatosaurus ajax, Camarasaurus lentus, Columbian mammoth, Pygmy mammoth, Yukon horse, Castoroides ohioensis, American mastodon, Teleoceras, Amebelodon fricki, Dire wolf, Arctodus simus, American lion, Smilodon populator, Cervalces scotti, Epicyon haydeni, Megacamelus merriami, Megacerops coloradensis, Florida cave bear, Smilodon gracilis, Bison latifrons, Xenosmilus hodsonae, Equus giganteus, Bison antiquus, American alligator, Titanotylopus nebraskensis, Cougar, Alaskan moose, Black bear, Elk, Reindeer, Camelops, American bison, Grizzly bear and Gray wolf.

Flying Animals : Pteranodon longiceps and Quetzalcoatlus northropi.

The American bison is barely seen in the image but that is the largest land animal alive today in North America. Again and again,it's the same story. In any megafauna image, the one thing people note is that the extinct animals are much larger than the modern animals. Next time when you see a large land animal like the bison or elephant or rhinoceros or giraffe or hippopotamus, you should feel happy because after all these are the largest land animals alive today.

The largest species of animals from North America as seen in the image :
Largest bovid - Bison latifrons

Largest canid - Epicyon haydeni

Largest camelid - Megacamelus merriami

Largest living cervid - Alaskan moose

Largest equid - Equus giganteus (Possibly the largest horse that ever existed.)

Largest ankylosaurian - Ankylosaurus magniventris

Largest ceratopsian - Eotriceratops xerinsularis

Largest stegosaurian - Stegosaurus ungulatus

It can be a debate whether Tyrannosaurus rex is the most heaviest theropod. Nonetheless, it had the most powerful bite of any terrestrial animal as well as it possessed the largest known teeth of any terrestrial animal.

Some of the largest dinosaurs are known from North America. Well-known sauropods include Brachiosaurus, Diplodocus, Apatosaurus and Brontosaurus. The most massive known dinosaur is Alamosaurus sanjuanensis which either rivals or slightly bigger than the South american Argentinosaurus huinculensis.


South American megafauna
Giganotosaurus carolinii, Argyrosaurus superbus,Titanoboa cerrejonensis, Irritator challengeri, Purussaurus brasiliensis, Mourasuchus amazonensis, Mapusaurus roseae, Oxalaia quilombensis, Notocolossus gonzalezparejasi, Argentinosaurus huinculensis, Puertasaurus reuili, Antarctosaurus giganteus, Saltasaurus loricatus, Amargasaurus cazaui , Chubutophis grandis, Gryposuchus croizati, Prionosuchus plummeri, Tyrannotitan chubutensis, Dreadnoughtus schrani, Futalognkosaurus dukei, Notiomastodon platensis, Madtsoia bai, Stupendemys geographicus, Megatherium americanum, Cuvieronius hyodon, Doedicurus clavicaudatus, Arctotherium angustidens, Josephoartigasia monesi, Kelenken guillermoi, Smilodon populator, Phorusrhacos longissimus, Brontornis burmeisteri, Black caiman, Green anaconda, Brazilian tapir, Giant Ant eater, Spectacled bear, Jaguar, Maned wolf, Capybara and Greater rhea.

Flying Animals : Pelagornis sandersi and Argentavis magnificens.

The largest land animal alive today in South America is the Brazilian tapir.

South America is simply packed with giants. The largest species of animals from South America as seen in the image :

Largest amphibian - Prionosuchus plummeri

Largest bear / largest terrestrial mammalian carnivore - Arctotherium angustidens

Largest crocodilian - Purussaurus braasiliensis (It can be a debate when it comes to the largest crocodilian ever. May be purussaurus is the largest crocodilian.)

Largest feline - Smilodon populator

Largest flying bird - Pelagornis sandersi

Largest rodent - Josephoartigasia monesi

Largest living rodent - Capybara

Largest snake - Titanoboa cerrejonensis

Largest living snake - Green anaconda

Largest turtle - Stupendemys geographicus

Largest xenarthran - Megatherium americanum

Some of the massive dinosaurs are known from South America. The 'largest dinosaur that ever existed' is something which may never be settled since they are known from very fragmentary materials. Possibly the largest dinosaur might be known in the future. For now, the most famous largest dinosaur is argentinosaurus huinculensis.Then there is the larger puertasaurus reuili.

補充內容 (2018-7-22 21:58):
North American megafauna原圖(放大圖片)

補充內容 (2018-7-22 22:00):
South American megafauna原圖(放大圖片)

補充內容 (2018-9-9 00:01):
Abelisaurid family species comparison - Carnotaurs
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Asian megafauna
Tarbosaurus bataar, Deinocheirus mirificus, Ruyangosaurus giganteus, Rajasaurus narmadensis, Indosuchus raptorius, Rhamposuchus crassidens, Lamplughsaura dharmaramensis, Gigantoraptor erlianensis, Isisaurus colberti, Shantungosaurus giganteus, Zhuchengtyrannus magnus, Protoceratops, Charonosaurus jiayinensis, Barapasaurus tagorei, Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum, Daxiatitan binglingi, Saurolophus angustirostris, Sinoceratops zhuchengensis, Siamosaurus suteethorni, Ngandong tiger, Dzungariotherium orgosense, Paraceratherium transouralicum,Sivapithecus, Megalochelys atlas, Saiga antelope, Palaeoloxodon namadicus, Huanghetitan ruyangensis, Stegodon ganesha, Sinotherium lagrelii, Trinil tiger, Stegodon trigonocephalus, Pachycrocuta, Iranotherium morgani, Elephas hysudricus, Dzungariotherium tienshanense, Stegodon zdanskyi, Saltwater crocodile, Sivatherium giganteum, Wanhsien tiger, Deinotherium Indicum, Gigantopithecus blacki, Omeisaurus junghsiensis, Embolotherium ergilense, Hexaprotodon sivalensis, Siberian tiger, Elephas hysudrindicus, Sumatran rhinoceros, Sloth bear, Javan rhinoceros, Sambar deer, Asian elephant, Gharial, Indian rhinoceros, Reticulated python, Spotted deer, Gaur, Asiatic buffalo, Bengal tiger, Bactrian camel, Dromedary camel, Wild yak, Zebu, Mugger crocodile, Asiatic lion, King cobra and Peacock.

The largest animal alive today in Asia is the Asian elephant. It is an enormous animal but it looks very small compared to some extinct behemoths.

The largest species of animals from Asia as seen in the image :

Some large dinosaurs are known from Asia. Especially the gigantic beasts, Ruyangosaurus giganteus and Huanghetitan ruyangensis. Ruyangosaurus might be about the size of the South American argentinosaurus or may be even somewhat bigger.

Largest ape - Gigantopithecus blacki

Largest giraffid - Sivatherium giganteum

Largest hadrosaur - Shantungosaur giganteus

Largest hyaenid - Pachycrocuta

Largest living wild bovid - Gaur

Largest living camel - Bactrian camel

Largest living crocodile / largest living reptile - Saltwater crocodile

Largest living feline - Siberian tiger

Largest proboscidean / largest land mammal - Palaeoloxodon namadicus

Largest tortoise - Megalochelys atlas

Longest living snake - Reticulated python

Tallest land mammal - Paraceratherium transouralicum


Indian megafauna
Rajasaurus narmadensis(extinct), Isisaurus colberti(extinct), Indosuchus raptorius(extinct), Rhamposuchus crassidens(extinct), Lamplughsaura dharmaramensis(extinct), Barapasaurus tagorei(extinct), Megalochelys atlas(extinct), Palaeoloxodon namadicus(extinct), Elephas hysudricus(extinct), Deinotherium Indicum(extinct), Sivapithecus(extinct), Stegodon ganesha(extinct), Sivatherium giganteum(extinct), Saltwater crocodile, Sloth bear, Indian elephant, Gharial, Indian rhinoceros, Spotted deer, Gaur, Dhole, Asiatic buffalo, Bengal tiger, Zebu, Mugger crocodile, Asiatic lion, Sambar deer, King cobra and Peacock.

Pleistocene megafauna
Aepyornis maximus, Euthecodon brumpti, Deinotherium bozasi, Hippopotamus gorgops, Homotherium, Pelorovis antiquus, Agriotherium africanum,Ngandong tiger, American mastodon, Equus capensis, Leopard, Crocodylus thorbjarnarsoni, Mosbach lion, Pelorovis Oldowayensis, Anancus,Mammut borsoni, Elephas iolensis, Cuvieronius hyodon, Quinkana, Wonambi naracoortensis, Palaeloxodon antiquus, Stegomastodon, Pachycrocuta, Stegodon trigonocephalus, European jaguar, Cave bear, Crocodylus anthropophagus, Cave lion, Notiomastodon platensis, Palaeoloxodon namadicus, Merck's rhinoceros, Cave hyena, Sivatherium giganteum, Giant cheetah, Procoptodon goliah, Palaeloxodon recki, Hippopotamus antiquus, Varanus priscus, Yurlunggur camfieldensis, Diprotodon optatum, Denninger's bear, Giant beaver, Florida spectacled bear, Palaeoloxodon mnaidriensis, Southern Mammoth, Stag moose, Palaeoloxodon falconeri, Steppe bison, Mammuthus africanavus, Thylacoleo carnifex, Aurochs, Yukon horse, Sardinian dwarf mammoth, Bison latifrons, Steppe Mammoth, Dromornis stirtoni, Smilodon gracilis, Dire wolf, Elasmotherium caucasicum, Epicyon haydeni, Columbian mammoth, Arctodus simus, Pygmy mammoth, American lion, Smilodon fatalis, Equus giganteus, Arctodus pristinus, Titanotylopus , Xenosmilus hodsonae, Cougar, Woolly Mammoth, Woolly rhinoceros, Wanhsien tiger, Irish elk, Megalochelys atlas, Doedicurus clavicaudatus, Elephas hysudricus, Elasmotherium sibiricum, Arctotherium angustidens, Tyrant polar bear, Megatherium americanum, Smilodon populator, Giant ant eater, Elephas hysudrindicus, Cervalces latifrons, Josephoartigasia monesi, Jaguar, Wild yak, Loxodonta exoptata, Trinil tiger, Gigantopithecus blacki, Saiga antelope, Reindeer, Musk ox, South Island giant moa, Loxodonta atlantica, Grizzly bear, Bison antiquus, Hexaprotodon sivalensis, Camelops, Coyote, Hyena, Black bear and Gray wolf.

(In case anyone wondered why the black bear looks big as grizzly bear, it's because the pleistocene black bears were as big as the modern grizzly bears.)


Dinosaurs vs Mammals

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Asian megafauna原圖(放大圖片)

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Indian megafauna原圖(放大圖片)

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Dinosaurs vs Mammals原圖(放大圖片)

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Size Comparison of Dolphins
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-7-2 21:44:32 | 顯示全部樓層
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There are about 356 animals.

Flying Animals : 6
Meganeura monyi,Pteranodon longiceps,Quetzalcoatlus northropi,Hatzegopteryx thambema,Argentavis magnificens and Pelagornis sandersi.

Land Animals : 200
Arthropleura,Dimetrodon,Camarasaurus lentus,Allosaurus fragilis, Apatosaurus Ajax,Supersaurus vivianae,Stegosaurus ungulatus,Vulcanodon karibaensis,Saurophaganax maximus,Giraffatitan brancai,Cetiosaurus oxoniensis,Brachiosaurus altithorax,Atlasaurus Imelakei,Kentrosaurus aethiopicus,Iguanodon bernissartensis,Brontosaurus parvus,Megalosaurus bucklandii,Glacialisaurus hammeri,Dicraeosaurus hansemanni,Spinophorosaurus nigerensis,Lusotitan atalaiensis,Diplodocus hallorum,Cryolophosaurus ellioti,Rhoetosaurus brownei,Torvosaurus tanneri,Dacentrurus armatus, Amphicoelias altus,Omeisaurus junghsiensis,Barosaurus lentus,Diplodocus carnegii,Barapasaurus tagorei,Lamplughsaura dharmaramensis,Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum,Apatosaurus louisae,Nigersaurus taqueti,Coahuilaceratops magnacuerna,Turiasaurus riodevensis,Oxalaia Quilombensis,Utahraptor ostrommaysorum,Sauroposeidon proteles,Acrocanthosaurus atokensis,Ouranosaurus nigeriensis,Suchomimus tenerensis,Ichthyovenator Laosensis,Paralititan stromeri,Spinosaurus aegyptiacus,Carcharodontosaurus Saharicus,Indosuchus raptorius,Jobaria tiguidensis,Baryonyx walkeri,Nasutoceratops titusi,Mapusaurus roseae,Argentinosaurus huinculensis,Therizinosaurus cheloniformis,Tarbosaurus bataar,Albertosaurus sarcophagus,Magnapaulia laticaudus,Abydosaurus mcintoshi,Rubeosaurus ovatus,Chasmosaurus belli,Daspletosaurus torosus,Tyrannotitan chubutensis,Gorgosaurus libratus,Centrosaurus Apertus,Kosmoceratops richardsoni,Shantungosaur giganteus,Zhuchengtyrannus magnus,Ruyangosaurus giganteus,Eotriceratops xerinsularis,Diabloceratops eatoni,Giganotosaurus carolinii,Triceratops horridus,Ankylosaurus magniventris,Tyrannosaurus rex,Alamosaurus sanjuanensis,Edmontosaurus regalis,Albertaceratops nermoi,Torosaurus latus,Einiosaurus procurvicornis,Styracosaurus albertensis,Antarctic titanosaur,Dreadnoughtus schrani,Edmontosaurus annectens,Pachyrhinosaurus lakustai,Nanuqsaurus hoglundi,Pachyrhinosaurus perotorum,Deinonychus antirrhopus,Diamantinasaurus matildae,Ugrunaaluk kuukpikensis,Deinocheirus mirificus,Huanghetitan ruyangensis,Lambeosaurus lambei,Saurolophus angustirostris,Daxiatitan binglingi,Pentaceratops sternbergii,Olorotitan arharensis,Isisaurus colberti,Protoceratops andrewsi,Gigantoraptor erlianensis,Maiasaura peeblesorum,Argyrosaurus superbus,Siamosaurus Suteethorni,Antarctopelta oliveroi,Austrosaurus,Magyarosaurus dacus,Saltasaurus loricatus,Rajasaurus narmadensis,Pachyrhinosaurus canadensis,Irritator Challengeri,Futalognkosaurus dukei,Savannasaurus elliottorum,AMNH titanosaur,Ampelosaurus atacis,Sinoceratops zhuchengensis,Kunbarrasaurus ieversi,Muttaburrasaurus langdoni,Australovenator wintonensis,Malawisaurus,Steppe Mammoth,Amargasaurus cazaui,Zuniceratops christopheri,Antarctosaurus giganteus,Josephoartigasia monesi,Procoptodon goliah,Megacamelus merriami,Bison latifrons,Megalochelys atlas,Sivatherium giganteum,Notocolossus gonzalezparejasi,Varanus priscus,Cervalces latifrons,Hippopotamus gorgops,Palaeoloxodon namadicus,Dinornis robustus,Aepyornis maximus,Equus giganteus,Puertasaurus reuili,Pachycrocuta,Diprotodon optatum,Arctotherium angustidens,Doedicurus clavicaudatus,Megatherium americanum,Gigantopithecus blacki,Smilodon populator,Castoroides ohioensis,Paraceratherium transouralicum,Elasmotherium caucasicum,Epicyon haydeni,Woolly Mammoth,Polar bear,Alaskan moose,Gray wolf,Red kangaroo,African elephant,White rhinoceros,African lion,Ostrich,Hippopotamus amphibius,Asian elephant,Gaur,Bactrian camel,Giraffe,Shire horse,Siberian tiger,English mastiff, and Silverback gorilla.

Gryposuchus croizati,Piscogavialis jugaliperforatus,Aegisuchus witmeri,Rhamphosuchus crassidens,Sarcosuchus imperator,Stomatosuchus inermis,Deinosuchus riograndensis,Madtsoia bai,Gigantophis garstini,Laganosuchus thaumastos,Chubutophis grandis,Crocodylus anthropophagus,Purussaurus brasiliensis,Mourasuchus amazonensis,Titanoboa cerrejonensis,Machimosaurus rex,Crocodylus thorbjarnarsoni,Yurlunggur camfieldensis,Euthecodon brumpti,Wonambi naracoortensis,Bluff Downs giant python,Black caiman,Green anaconda,American alligator,False gharial,Reticulated python,Gharial,Saltwater crocodile and Nile crocodile.

Marine Animals : 150
Cameroceras,Pliosaurus funkei,Parahelicoprion,Carcharocles angustidens,Kronosaurus,Cardabiodon,Hybodus,Edestus giganteus,Pliosaurus kevani,Copper shark,Longmans' beaked whale,Pelagic thresher,Short-finned Pilot whale,Oceanic Whitetip shark,Southern bottlenose whale,Whale Shark,Common Bottlenose dolphin,Andrews beaked whale,Risso's Dolphin,Spade-toothed beaked whale,Aetiocetus,Otodus,Dunkleosteus,Rhomaleosaurus,Parotodus benedeni,Waharoa,Prognathodon saturator,Squalicorax,Cetotherium,Eubalaena harrisoni,Carcharocles chubutensis,Scapanorhynchus texanus,Steller's sea cow,Smalltooth Sandtiger shark,Tiger shark,North Atlantic Right whale,Baird's beaked whale,Bigeye thresher shark,Gray whale,Dall's porpoise(Dalli type),Ocean sunfish,Lemon shark,Atlantic humpback dolphin,Fin whale,Leedsichthys problematicus,Palaeophis Coloassaeus,Carcharocles auriculatus,Shonisaurus popularis,Onchopristis,Archelon,Xiphactinus,Brygmophyseter,Squalodon,Orcinus citoniensis,Basking shark,Caribbean Reef shark,Dwarf Minke whale,Shepherds' beaked whale,Blue shark,Stejneger's beaked whale,Longfin Mako shark,Melon headed whale,Yangtze river dolphin,Chinese white dolphin,Australian humpback dolphin,True's beaked whale(Southern Hemisphere),Blainville's beaked whale,Irrawady dolphin,Amazon river dolphin,Dusky dolphin,Liopleurodon,Cosmopolitodus hastalis,Tylosaurus proriger,Tokorahia,Leptostyrax,Helicoprion,Stupendemys geographicus,Cretolamna,Prionosuchus plummeri,Carcharocles megalodon,Great White shark,Pygmy killer whale,Pacific sleeper shark,Blacktip Reef shark,Blue Whale,Sei whale,True's beaked whale(North Atlantic),Long-finned Pilot whale,Indian Humpback dolphin,False Killer whale,Bull shark,Pygmy Right whale,Northern Minke whale,Sandbar shark,Dall's porpoise(Truei type),Northern bottlenose whale,Basilosaurus,Dorudon,Elasmosaurus,Cretoxyrhina,Mosasaurus hoffmanni,Zygophyseter,Balaenula balaenopsis,Bryde's whale,Gervais beaked whale,Southern Minke whale,Hammerhead shark,Goblin shark,Hubbs-Beaked-whale,Arnoux's beaked whale,Ginkgo beaked whale,Spinner Shark,Blacktip shark,Colossal squid,Orca,Australian snubfin dolphin,North Pacific Right whale,Dusky shark,Strap-toothed whale,Hectors beaked whale,Humpback whale,Pygmy Sperm whale,Gray's beaked whale,Sowerbys-Beaked-whale,Perrins-Beaked-whale,Pygmy-Beaked-whale,Dwarf Sperm whale,Deraniyagala's beaked whale,Cymbospondylus,Odobenocetops,Shastasaurus sikanniensis,Giant Thresher shark,Pliosaurus macromerus,Ptychodus mortoni,Orthacanthus,Livyatan melvillei,Megamouth shark,Shortfin Mako shark,Cuvier's beaked whale,Silky shark,Southern Right whale,Nurse shark,Greenland shark,Giant squid,Common Thresher shark,Sperm whale,Narwhal,Sandtiger shark,Beluga whale and Bowhead whale.

Animal Size Comparison-A

補充內容 (2018-7-22 22:08):
There are about 356 animals.原圖(放大圖片)
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-7-2 22:04:37 | 顯示全部樓層


!!! The Earth Shakers !!!
Some of the largest dinosaurs to have roamed the Earth. There might be few dinosaurs bigger than the biggest dinosaur seen in the image.Time will tell...

From left to right, Apatosaurus Ajax, Mamenchisaurus Sinocanadorum, Paralititan Stromeri, Argentinosaurus Huinculensis, Huanghetitan ruyangensis, Puertasaurus Reuili, Futalognkosaurus dukei, Sauroposeidon Proteles, Alamosaurus Sanjuanensis, Antarctosaurus giganteus, Brachiosaurus Altithorax and Ruyangosaurus giganteus.

1. Puertasaurus Reuili - 80 - 110 tonnes
2. Alamosaurus Sanjuanensis - 80 - 100 tonnes
3. Argentinosaurus Huinculensis - 75 - 90 tonnes
4. Ruyangosaurus giganteus - 70 - 80 tonnes ??
5. Huanghetitan ruyangensis - 70 - 80 tonnes ??
6. Apatosaurus Ajax - 40 - 70 tonnes ??
7. Antarctosaurus giganteus - 70 tonnes
8. Mamenchisaurus Sinocanadorum - 60 tonnes +
9. Paralititan Stromeri - 60 tonnes
10. Sauroposeidon Proteles - 50 - 60 tonnes
11. Futalognkosaurus dukei - 50 tonnes +
12. Brachiosaurus Altithorax - 40 - 50 tonnes

補充內容 (2018-7-22 22:10):
!!! The Earth Shakers !!!原圖(放大圖片)

補充內容 (2018-9-15 20:45):
Mosasaur family species comparison
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-7-2 22:10:20 | 顯示全部樓層


Spinosaurus aegyptiacus, Carcharodontosaurus saharicus, Giganotosaurus carolinii, Tyrannosaurus rex, Mapusaurus roseae, Tyrannotitan chubutensis, Oxalaia quilombensis, Zhuchengtyrannus magnus, Acrocanthosaurus atokensis, Deinocheirus mirificus, Tarbosaurus bataar, Therizinosaurus cheloniformis, Suchomimus tenerensis, Saurophaganax maximus, Torvosaurus tanneri, Rajasaurus narmadensis, Albertosaurus sarcophagus, Baryonyx walkeri, Daspletosaurus torosus, Siamosaurus suteethorni, Gorgosaurus libratus, Gigantoraptor erlianensis, Megalosaurus bucklandii, Ichthyovenator
laosensis, Irritator challengeri, Indosuchus raptorius, Ostafrikasaurus crassiserratus, Australovenator wintonensis, Nanuqsaurus hoglundi, Utahraptor ostrommaysorum, Cryolophosaurus ellioti, Deinonychus antirrhopus and Velociraptor mongoliensis.

Theropoda are a group of saurischian dinosaurs. They were ancestrally carnivorous, although a number of theropod groups evolved herbivory, omnivory, piscivory, and insectivory. Theropods includes some of the largest terrestrial carnivores ever to have existed on land. In the Jurassic, birds evolved from small specialized coelurosaurian theropods, and are today represented by 10,000 living species.


A tribute to one of the most awesome, famous group of dinosaurs and my top favorite dinosaur group, the mighty sauropods !!!

Camarasaurus lentus, Giraffatitan brancai, Diplodocus hallorum, Spinophorosaurus nigerensis, Glacialisaurus hammeri, Dicraeosaurus hansemanni, Apatosaurus louisae, Daxiatitan binglingi, Brachiosaurus altithorax, Lamplughsaura dharmaramensis, Supersaurus vivianae, Argyrosaurus superbus, Diplodocus carnegii, Apatosaurus ajax, Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum, Atlasaurus Imelakei, Cetiosaurus oxoniensis, Omeisaurus junghsiensis, Sauroposeidon proteles, Barosaurus lentus,Lusotitan atalaiensis, Amphicoelias altus, Ampelosaurus atacis, Ruyangosaurus giganteus, Paralititan stromeri, Turiasaurus riodevensis, Jobaria tiguidensis, Alamosaurus sanjuanensis, Antarctic titanosaur, Vulcanodon karibaensis, Abydosaurus mcintoshi, Notocolossus gonzalezparejasi, Nigersaurus taqueti, Rhoetosaurus brownei, Brontosaurus parvus, Puertasaurus reuili, AMNH titanosaur, Diamantinasaurus matildae, Saltasaurus loricatus, Futalognkosaurus dukei, Huanghetitan ruyangensis, Barapasaurus tagorei, Antarctosaurus giganteus, Magyarosaurus dacus, Austrosaurus, Malawisaurus, Savannasaurus elliottorum, Argentinosaurus huinculensis, Dreadnoughtus schrani, Isisaurus colberti and Amargasaurus cazaui.

Sauropodomorpha is an extinct clade of long-necked, herbivorous, saurischian dinosaurs that includes the sauropods and their ancestral relatives. The "prosauropods", which preceded the sauropods, were smaller and were often able to walk on two legs. Sauropods had very long necks, long tails, small heads (relative to the rest of their body), and four thick, pillar-like legs. They are notable for the enormous sizes attained by some species, and the group includes the largest animals to have ever lived on land.

The standards they set for gigantism.


Hadrosaurids are members of the ornithischian family Hadrosauridae. Behind the sauropods,the second largest type of dinosaurs comes from the hadrosaurids.They were known as duck-billed dinosaurs, for the flat, duck-bill appearance of their mouths. Hadrosaurids are divided into two subfamilies: the lambeosaurines (Lambeosaurinae), which had hollow cranial crests or tubes, and the saurolophines (Saurolophinae or Hadrosaurinae), which lacked hollow cranial crests (solid crests were present in some forms).

From left to right : Shantungosaurus Giganteus, Magnapaulia Laticaudus, Olorotitan Arharensis, Saurolophus Angustirostris, Edmontosaurus Annectens, Edmontosaurus Regalis, Charonosaurus Jiayinensis, Iguanodon Bernissartensis, Parasaurolophus Walkeri, Lambeosaurus Lambei, Maiasaura Peeblesorum and Ouranosaurus Nigeriensis.

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補充內容 (2018-9-19 23:38):
15 Largest Sharks to Ever Exist - Comparison
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-7-2 22:22:02 | 顯示全部樓層
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Some of the most spectacular dinosaurs are the ceratopsians or horned dinosaurs.They were armed and armoured.Ceratopsians are characterized by beaks, rows of shearing teeth in the back of the jaw, and elaborate horns and frills.This group had one of the most famous dinosaurs,the iconic triceratops.

From left to right : Eotriceratops xerinsularis, Triceratops Horridus, Pentaceratops sternbergii, Torosaurus latus, Pachyrhinosaurus lakustai, Pachyrhinosaurus Canadensis, Albertaceratops Nesmoi, Centrosaurus apertus, Coahuilaceratops magnacuerna, Utahceratops gettyi, Sinoceratops zhuchengensis, Chasmosaurus belli, Einiosaurus procurvicornis, Diabloceratops eatoni, Styracosaurus albertensis, Rubeosaurus ovatus, Achelousaurus horneri, Nasutoceratops titusi, Kosmoceratops richardsoni, Zuniceratops christopheri and Protoceratops andrewsi.


Spinosaurids are a group of very different theropods with elongated, crocodile-like skulls having conical teeth.In most predatory dinosaurs, the jaws were broad either in width, height, or both, while the jaws of spinosaurids were thin and narrow. They mostly had a piscivore diet but can occasionally hunt on land.This group has the largest land predator which is Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus.

From left to right : Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus, Oxalaia Quilombensis, Suchomimus Tenerensis, Baryonyx Walkeri, Siamosaurus Suteethorni, Ichthyovenator Laosensis, Irritator Challengeri and Ostafrikasaurus Crassiserratus.


Purussaurus brasiliensis(extinct), Deinosuchus riograndensis(extinct), Sarcosuchus imperator(extinct), Mourasuchus amazonensis(extinct), Rhamphosuchus crassidens(extinct), Stomatosuchus inermis(extinct), Gryposuchus croizati(extinct), Piscogavialis jugaliperforatus(extinct), Aegisuchus witmeri(extinct), Euthecodon brumpti(extinct), Machimosaurus rex(extinct), Crocodylus thorbjarnarsoni(extinct), Crocodylus anthropophagus(extinct), Laganosuchus thaumastos(extinct), Saltwater crocodile, Nile crocodile, Gharial, False gharial, Black caiman, American alligator and Mugger crocodile.

Crocodylomorpha is a group of archosaurs that includes the crocodilians and their extinct relatives.During Mesozoic and early Cenozoic times, Crocodylomorpha was far more diverse than it is now. Triassic forms were small, lightly built, active terrestrial animals. These were supplanted during the early Jurassic by various aquatic and marine forms. The Later Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Cenozoic saw a wide diversity of terrestrial and semi-aquatic lineages. "Modern" crocodilians do not appear until the Late Cretaceous.


Crocodilians have some of the strongest bite forces in the animal kingdom. In a study published in 2003, an American alligator's bite force was measured at up to 2,125 lbf (9,450 N). In a 2012 study, a saltwater crocodile's bite force was measured even higher, at 3,700 lbf (16,000 N). This study also found no correlation between bite force and snout shape. Nevertheless, the gharial's extremely slender jaws are relatively weak and built more for quick jaw closure. The bite force of Deinosuchus may have measured 23,000 lbf (100,000 N).

(From sarcosuchus documentary :

The disappearance of sarcosuchus shows that extinction is a fact of life on Earth. But the supercroc's legacy is alive in 23 different species of crocodiles, many of them are endangered by the works of man. But today all 23 species are protected. We know we can speed up the extinction process but we can also slow it down. If we decide to do so perhaps these magnificent beasts, the ultimate survivors will outlast even us.)

Heaviest Crocodilians :
1. Purussaurus brasiliensis - (8 - 10 tonnes / 36 - 41 feet long)
2. Deinosuchus riograndensis - (5 - 8.5 tonnes / 35 - 40 feet long)
3. Sarcosuchus imperator - (6 - 8 tonnes / 36 - 40 feet long)
4. Mourasuchus amazonensis - (4 - 6 tonnes ?? / 36 - 40 feet long ??)
5. Rhamphosuchus crassidens - (3 - 5 tonnes?? / 26 - 36 feet long)
6. Stomatosuchus inermis - (3 - 4 tonnes / 33 feet long)
7. Gryposuchus croizati - (3 - 4 tonnes / 33 feet long)
8. Euthecodon brumpti - (3 - 4 tonnes / 33 feet long)
8. Aegisuchus witmeri - (3 - 4 tonnes?? / 30 - 33 feet long??)
9. Crocodylus thorbjarnarsoni - (2 - 2.5 tonnes / 25 feet long)
10. Saltwater crocodile - (400 to 1,000 kg / 14 - 20 feet long) ( max 2 tonnes / 23 feet long)

Crocodile species size comparison

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 樓主| 發表於 2018-7-2 22:42:05 | 顯示全部樓層
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Aepyornis maximus(extinct), Dromornis stirtoni(extinct), Brontornis burmeisteri(extinct), South Island giant moa(extinct), Bullockornis planei(extinct), Kelenken guillermoi(extinct), Gastornis gigantea(extinct), Phorusrhacos longissimus(extinct), Colossus penguin(extinct), Argentavis magnificens(extinct), Pelagornis sandersi(extinct), Ostrich, Cassowary, Emu, Emperor penguin, Greater rhea, Peacock, Rooster, House crow and the cute little parakeet(or budgerigar).

Birds are a group of endothermic vertebrates, characterized by feathers, toothless beaked jaws, the laying of hard-shelled eggs, a high metabolic rate, a four-chambered heart, and a lightweight but strong skeleton. Birds live worldwide and range in size from the 5 cm (2 in) bee hummingbird to the 2.75 m (9 ft) ostrich. They rank as the class of tetrapods with the most living species, at approximately ten thousand, with more than half of these being perching birds.

Heaviest birds :

Aepyornis maximus - (400–500 kg)
Dromornis stirtoni - (400–500 kg)
Brontornis burmeisteri - (350–400 kg)
South Island giant moa - (230– 278 kg)
Bullockornis planei - (250 kg)
Kelenken guillermoi - (200-250 kg)
Gastornis gigantea - (130-170 kg)
Phorusrhacos longissimus - (130-150 kg)
Ostrich - (100-156 kg)
Colossus penguin - (115kg)


Monster Snakes
Titanoboa Cerrejonensis(extinct), Chubutophis Grandis(extinct), Gigantophis Garstini(extinct), Palaeophis Colossaeus(extinct), Madtsoia Bai(extinct), Wonambi Naracoortensis(extinct), Yurlunggur Camfieldensis(extinct), Green Anaconda, Reticulated Python and King Cobra.

1. Titanoboa Cerrejonensis (43 - 47 ft)
2. Chubutophis Grandis (40 ft ??)
3. Gigantophis Garstini (31 - 35 ft)
4. Palaeophis Colossaeus (30 - 33 ft)
5. Madtsoia Bai (26 - 33 ft ??)
6. Wonambi Naracoortensis (16 - 20 ft)
7. Yurlunggur Camfieldensis (20 ft)
8. Green Anaconda (17 ft, Max 25 ft ??)
9. Reticulated Python (20 ft, Max 26 ft ??)
10. King Cobra (13 - 18 ft)

I don't really believe there could have been a snake which was 100 feet long. 50 feet for the largest snake might sound reasonable or possibly upto 60 feet ??

In the image,i have used the length of 20 feet for green anaconda and 23 feet for reticulated python.While usually the green anaconda reaches 17 feet or may be 18 feet and the reticulated python being the only extant snake that normally reaches 20 feet.

The massive size of few giant extant snakes are quite problematic.Generally,it surprises me that some people spread rumors about something which are not true.When it comes to giant extant snakes,there are several news which are hoax.There is a news about 49 feet python living in captivity in Indonesia.Seriously,if it was true then this python is obviously bigger than the green anaconda and even slightly longer than Titanoboa.But the reality is,this python is not even half the length of 49 feet,it is only around 6.5 m (21.3 ft). Claims made by zoos and animal parks are sometimes exaggerated.For this reason, scientists do not accept the validity of length measurements unless performed on a dead or anesthetized snake which is later preserved in a museum collection or stored for scientific research.

There is a reticulated python caught this year (2016) in Malaysia and it mysteriously died three days later after it was captured.It's length is said to be 26 ft 2 in and with a weight of 550 lb (250 kgs). I highly doubt that it weighed that much.Reticulated pythons are very slender for their length.An anaconda might weigh that much even though the weight for the largest known anaconda is less than 250 kg.A reticulated python of the same length as a green anaconda may weigh only half as much as the bulkier anaconda.Reticulated pythons with lengths more than 6 m (19.7 ft) are rare, though according to the Guinness Book of World Records, it is the only extant snake to regularly exceed that length.

The previous record holder reticulated Python named 'Medusa' reached 7.67 m (25.2 ft) and weighed 158.8 kg (350 lb). Medusa is a well fed captive snake, so she's probably heavier than most reticulated pythons.Another reticulated Python named 'Samantha' is said to have reached 7.9 m (26 ft) and weighed 124.7 kg (275 lb). I am not sure how much reliable are the records of 3 pythons mentioned above.

Usually the maximum length recorded for a reticulated python is said to be 33 feet.But there doesn't seem to be enough proof.This specimen was killed in Sulawesi.There might be a poor quality picture of this snake somewhere in the internet.May be there was few individuals of reticulated python which grew to over 30 feet but so far there is not enough proof to support it.Nonetheless,there is one python which reached 10 m (33 ft) but this is not a reticulated python,it's the extinct Bluff Downs giant python.

There are several news about anacondas being 40 - 60 feet,even upto 164 feet which is impossible.There are also claims of 26 to 39 feet specimens, although these remains are unverified. Anacondas above 5.2 meters (17 feet) in length are rare. The Wildlife Conservation Society has, since the early 20th century, offered a a $50,000 cash reward for anyone who can catch an anaconda 30 feet (9.1 m) or more in length, but the prize has not been claimed yet,despite the numerous sightings of giant anacondas.The longest (and heaviest) verified specimen encountered by Dr. Jesús Antonio Rivas, who had examined thousands of anacondas, was a female measuring 521 cm (17.09 ft) long and weighing 97.5 kg.

In Guyana in 1937, zoologist Alpheus Hyatt Verrill asked the expedition team he was with to estimate the length of a large, curled-up anaconda on a rock. The team's guesses ran from 6.1 to 18.3 m (20.0 to 60.0 ft), when measured, this specimen was found to be 5.9 m (19.4 ft).

Almost all specimens of anacondas in excess of 6 m (19.7 ft), including a much publicized specimen of 11.36 m (37.3 ft) in length, have no voucher specimens, including skins or bones.The estimated weight for an anaconda in the range of 8 m (26.2 ft) is at least 200 kg (440 lb). National Geographic has published a weight of up to 227 kg (500 lb) for E. murinus, but this is almost certainly a mere estimation.

In the description,i have just mentioned as 25 feet maximum for green anaconda. May be there could have been few large individuals which reached over 20 feet to possibly 25 feet or more.


Epicyon Haydeni (Extinct), Dire Wolf(Extinct), Aleurodon taxoides(Extinct), English Mastiff, Great Dane, Northern timber Wolf, Arctic Wolf, African Wild Dog, Doberman Pinscher, German Shepherd, Labrador Retriever, Maned Wolf, Dingo, Dhole, Coyote, Asiatic Jackal, Red Fox, Black-backed Jackal, Gray Fox, Raccoon Dog, Arctic Fox and the last but not least...the cute little Fennec Fox.


Canids are found on all continents except Antarctica, having arrived independently or accompanied human beings over extended periods of time. Canids vary in size from the 2-m-long (6 ft 7 in) gray wolf to the 24-cm-long (9.4 in) fennec fox. The body forms of canids are similar, typically having long muzzles, upright ears, teeth adapted for cracking bones and slicing flesh, long legs, and bushy tails. They are mostly social animals, living together in family units or small groups and behaving cooperatively. They are very intelligent. One canid, the domestic dog (including the dingo), long ago entered into a partnership with humans and today remains one of the most widely kept domestic animals. Indeed dogs are man's best friend.

Some of the domestic dog breeds are large in size. The largest canid alive today is the English Mastiff and the largest ever canid is epicyon haydeni which was about the size of a modern lion.

Canid species size comparison

補充內容 (2018-7-22 22:21):

補充內容 (2018-7-22 22:23):
Monster Snakes原圖(放大圖片)

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 樓主| 發表於 2018-7-2 22:59:07 | 顯示全部樓層


Cameroceras is a cephalopod, a taxon of molluscs that includes the octopuses, squids and cuttlefish. It is widely regarded as one of if not the largest orthocone cephalopods to ever exist.Cameroceras might be the second predator since life began on Earth. This giant orthocone measured about 6 to 9 m(20 to 30 feet) in length which makes it the biggest carnivore of its time.

Fossils have been found in North America, Europe and Siberia.

It may look like a giant Ice cream cone but it will suck you up.


Carcharocles Megalodon
The Megalodon is the largest shark that has ever existed. It is a fearsome killing machine and has the most powerful bite of any animal. It had a bite force of 108,514 N (24,390 lbf) - 182,201 N (40,960 lbf   . The Megalodon is usually considered to be the most powerful predator in vertebrate history.

Megalodon had a very robust dentition and had a total of about 276 teeth in its jaws, spanning 5 rows.A large megalodon had jaws over 2.1 metres (7 ft) across.The largest known megalodon tooth is about 7 3/8 inches in length. The largest confirmed great white shark teeth are less than 3 inches long.

Length : 40 to 60 feet
Weight : 50 tonnes +

Fossils have been found from many parts of the world, including Europe, Africa, both North and South America,as well as Puerto Rico, Cuba,Jamaica, the Canary Islands,Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Malta,the Grenadines and India.Also from regions far away from continental lands, such as the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean.

(In the image,the most famous modern shark, the great white shark that looks like a child next to the gigantic megatooth shark.The great white sharks grow to an average of 15 - 16 feet (4.5 - 5 meters) in length and the largest of them gets to 20 feet (6 meters) and a weight of 1.9 to maximum 3.3 tonnes.)

(I mean, generally i am no great fan of predators but in my opinion, by far this shark is the greatest predator to have existed on this planet.It has a combination of size,strength and beauty.As for the shark coloration seen in the image,it is one of my few favorite colors and i wanted to see this shark in that color.)


Carcharocles Chubutensis
Carcharocles Chubutensis is one of the largest megatoothed sharks,measuring upto 40 feet or more.Perhaps this shark gave rise to the mighty 'Carcharocles Megalodon'.Within the Carcharocles lineage, C.chubutensis is the succeeding species of C. angustidens and is followed by C.megalodon.

補充內容 (2018-8-29 14:36):
20130515 自然传奇 史前怪兽大揭秘(上)
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-7-2 23:04:24 | 顯示全部樓層


Carcharocles Angustidens
Carcharocles Angustidens is one of the largest megatoothed sharks,measuring upto 33 feet or more.Perhaps this shark gave rise to Carcharocles Chubutensis.


Ptychodus was one of the largest sharks that probably crushed and ate large shelled animals such as giant clams. The bivalves that lived during this time included gigantic animals, possibly having extremely thick shells, such as the inoceramids (Volviceramus, Platyceramus, etc.) Ptychodus mortoni was about 10 m(33 ft) long, given its large size, it might also have eaten ammonites and primitive turtles, like Desmatochelys. It is believed to have been a sluggish bottom-dwelling shark, rather than an actively fast swimmer.

Fossils have been found in Kansas, USA.


Carcharocles Auriculatus
Carcharocles Auriculatus is one of the largest megatoothed sharks,measuring upto 30 feet or more.Perhaps this shark gave rise to Carcharocles Angustidens.

補充內容 (2018-8-29 14:38):
自然传奇 史前怪兽大揭秘(下)
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-7-2 23:09:22 | 顯示全部樓層


Helicoprion was among the strangest sharks,which is a long-lived genus of extinct, shark-like eugeneodontid holocephalid fish.It grew upto 7.5 metres (24.6 ft) in length.

Fossils have been found in Western Australia, China and Western North America.


Otodus was a very large macro-predatory shark.The largest known teeth measure about 4.1 inch in height.The vertebral centrum of this shark are over 5 inch wide.Atleast 30 feet in length,it is one of the largest shark to have existed.Otodus evolved into the genus Carcharocles. Perhaps this shark gave rise to Carcharocles Auriculatus.


Cretoxyrhina or also known as the ginsu ghark in reference to the ginsu knife, since it fed by slicing into its victims with its 7 cm long knife-sharp teeth. Ginsu Sharks reached a length of upto 23 feet and exceeded the extant great white shark in size.

Fossils have been found in North America, France, Netherlands, Egypt, Morocco and Madagascar.

補充內容 (2018-9-4 06:21):
Ankylosaurus family species comparison
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-7-2 23:13:22 | 顯示全部樓層


Edestus (also known as the "scissor-tooth shark") is one of the msot bizarre-looking shark.The largest species, E. giganteus, could reach 6 m (20 ft) in length, the size of a modern great white shark.

Fossils have been found in England, Russia and United States.


Great White Shark
The most famous modern shark, the great white shark is the 3rd largest shark alive today behind the basking shark and the whale shark.The great white sharks grow to an average of 15 - 16 feet (4.5 - 5 meters) in length and the largest of them gets to 20 feet (6 meters) and a weight of 1.9 to maximum 3.3 tonnes.


Greenland shark
The Greenland shark is one of the largest living species of shark, with dimensions comparable to those of the great white shark. Greenland sharks grow to 6.4 m (21 ft) and 1,000 kg (2,200 lb) and possibly up to 7.3 m (24 ft) and more than 1,400 kg (3,100 lb). Most Greenland sharks observed have been around 2.44–4.8 m (8.0–16 ft) long and weigh up to 400 kg (880 lb).The Greenland shark is a thickset species with a short, rounded snout, small eyes, and very small dorsal and pectoral fins.As an adaptation to living at depth,it has a high concentration of trimethylamine N-oxide in its tissues, which causes the meat to be toxic.Greenland shark flesh treated to reduce toxin levels is eaten in Iceland as a delicacy.Growth of the shark is very slow due to the cold temperatures of its climate.They can be found at depths of more than 1,200 metres, making sightings of the shark rare.

The Greenland shark is an apex predator and mostly eats fish. It has never been observed Recorded fish prey have included smaller sharks, seals,skates, eels, herring, capelin, Arctic char, cod, redfish, sculpins, lumpfish, wolffish, and flounder. Greenland sharks have also been found with remains of even polar bears, horses, moose and reindeer (in one case an entire reindeer body) in their stomachs.The Greenland shark is known to be a scavenger, and is attracted by the smell of rotting meat in the water.

(Rare shark species could be the longest-living vertebrate on Earth, with an average life expectancy of 272 years, new research suggests.For many years there has been speculation about the lifespan of the partially blind species of shark and now researchers believe they have finally solved the mystery.An examination of 28 specimens in one study published in 2016 determined by radiocarbon dating that the oldest of the animals that they sampled had lived for about 392 ± 120 years (a minimum of 272 years and a maximum of 512 years). They used a radiocarbon dating method previously used to analyse the age of whales for the first time on a fish.It suggests the Greenland shark surpasses other species known for long life, including sea turtles (about 100 years) tortoises (between 100 and 255 years), and bowhead whales (around 200 years).The only creature believed to live longer is the ocean quahog, a type of edible clam which has a life expectancy of 507 years.

The mysterious Greenland shark, which can reach more than five metres in length, can reach an age of around 400 years, researchers say.They reach sexual maturity at the age of about 150, a new study reports.The Greenland shark is now the oldest-known vertebrate to roam the Earth.

補充內容 (2018-9-4 06:27):
Animal Size Comparison 3D
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