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發表於 2012-1-15 02:53:29 | |閱讀模式


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本帖最後由 sheenman43 於 2012-1-15 02:53 編輯

上週細老勁痕, 打去AdultWork找女, 無girl回覆我, 可能我英文差....

上網找到呢間( escort-lon.com/alexia ), 實收£110, 條女跟我要求的完全唔同, 未除衫個樣都可以接受, 一除至少35y...而且d香水又臭.

唉!鬼叫太耐冇搞嘢, 搞完即請佢走...

Ching, 倫敦有咩信得過, 而且photo同真人相配至得(我知d相用photoshop做過手腳, 但至少係同一個人la)...!!!!

發表於 2012-1-15 05:00:44 |
倫敦SOHO嗰邊有141, 多數東歐女...
 樓主| 發表於 2012-1-15 05:51:14 |
本帖最後由 sheenman43 於 2012-1-15 06:07 編輯

剛剛睇完hamsup_boy Ching之前嘅帖( London Escort Service Recommendation ), 立即去確定一下, 佢介紹那agency, 服務都算不錯, d囡囡係東歐嚟, 收 £150 in call服務算係咁, 當然無過海去馬交咁多服務, 但勝在多鬼妹你選!

 樓主| 發表於 2012-1-19 01:59:31 |

去返師兄hamsup_boy, 你就找到, 個題目上面咪寫咗囉!
發表於 2012-1-19 04:09:28 |
Hey guys, You should try my recommendations! lol
 樓主| 發表於 2012-1-20 02:31:29 |
本帖最後由 sheenman43 於 2012-1-20 02:32 編輯

回覆 hamsup_boy 的帖子

就係去咗, 所以要多謝你囉! 我個Profile張相那條女, 咪由那兒來囉! 佢幾好嫁...

hamsup_boy Ching, 重有無多d倫理嘅指南呀!

發表於 2012-1-20 13:19:37 |
Regarding to babylongirls.co.uk, do you need to pay tips to the girl or not?

Thanks Chings!
 樓主| 發表於 2012-1-20 21:21:16 |
回覆 tearofs 的帖子

完全唔洗小費, 實價, 1h內任做, (花式就視乎條女OK or not)...
發表於 2012-1-23 04:20:42 |
maxs angels 好似唔錯, 想試好耐,不過好多都200+

Ching 去完記得出報告

BTW 去punternet 好多介紹同報告
 樓主| 發表於 2012-1-23 23:09:13 |
本帖最後由 sheenman43 於 2012-1-23 23:12 編輯

回覆 iamlegend 的帖子



講真, punternet 嘅報告好多流料, 真係要小心.

今個月"無錢鳥", 要下個月先有錢做戰到記者, 到時再比report大家!
發表於 2012-1-24 21:23:43 |
From my limited knowledge, punternet has so many fake reports and some agency employed some writers to create some reports.

Let me share some of the experience I have, http://abeautifulamore.com  this agency has all fake girls and all fake reports. All girls there are fucking old and not even close to the girl's description.

In general, I do not pay tips to those working girls.
 樓主| 發表於 2012-1-25 22:10:54 |
回覆 hamsup_boy 的帖子

I agree with Ching indeed...!
發表於 2012-1-26 00:06:36 |
Btw, if you can afford for a monthly service, you can subscribe Captain69 for a better review reports. You can do monthly or yearly subscription.

Hey Bro, Once you are addicted into this game, hard to pull out. So think deeply if you really want to continue. just my little two cents. No offense here
發表於 2012-1-26 10:24:09 |
Thanks for all the replys. In term of review reports, I do know of theeroticreview.com

發表於 2012-1-27 19:53:09 |
 樓主| 發表於 2012-1-29 04:58:04 |
回覆 hamsup_boy 的帖子

Ching, 我哋呢d間中偷跳炸, 長期用的話, 我都想 join "Captain69"...


發表於 2012-1-29 17:56:34 |
回覆 sheenman43 的帖子

have not been in the game for couple months cos of very tight schedule. In General, I do not like Polish girls and they like to rip off clients.
發表於 2012-1-29 17:57:22 |
回覆 terrydicky 的帖子

Never try those 141 in London China town. It is a complete rubbish and rip off. Nearly all punters in London area knows it
 樓主| 發表於 2012-2-2 00:48:45 |
回覆 hamsup_boy 的帖子

前晚又去多次那間B..., 今次去咗E...Road Station, 那條女話係意大利黎, 服務都OK, 係笑容假d, 但完全無皮氣...

只係話一般d客5分鐘就完事, 乜原來你可以控制幾時出野架?!(暗示我攪佢太耐....其實都只係插咗25mins....)

做完就微笑住, 但我知佢想快d收工, 咁我咪走囉....but身材超正&皮膚滑滑, 好合心意! Only 20才...
發表於 2012-2-2 15:58:26 |
回覆 sheenman43 的帖子

Not bad c-hing. Indeed, you can have unlimited shot for 1 hr service.


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