樓主: dswhkg

[技巧探討] 室內美女快拍技巧大公開: 光線及色溫處理

發表於 2012-2-15 23:46:11 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2012-2-15 23:58:30 | 顯示全部樓層
1, 2, 8
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發表於 2012-2-16 00:34:17 | 顯示全部樓層
Useful information
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發表於 2012-2-16 00:46:13 | 顯示全部樓層
我自己比較喜歡 (2), (4)
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發表於 2012-2-16 01:29:07 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2012-2-16 03:20:55 | 顯示全部樓層

thanks for teaching useful information
what is "Incandescent"?
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發表於 2012-2-16 06:43:00 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 FunDragon 於 2012-2-16 06:47 編輯

Thanks for posting your useful and insightful information.

These are very nice images, there are few that I really like for different reasons.

#3  is the kind of WB that my images uses most often, especially for the US market where warmer skin tone is more preferred by most.

#2 most viewer will like this for it's feel and non-posed look, but an image like this is only good when it is among many well posed shots. as a change of pace spontaneous shot . Color Balance on this shots is also very nice, if you de-saturate it a bit will give you that 白裡透紅的感覺.

#8 one of the most used color tones in greater China area  I think, sometime call 亞寶色調. IF you just show that one picture only, without the presence of the other images, this picture will look very good to most people, but after seeing the other, this color will look kind of un-natural compare to the others, hence the popularity and approval decreases a little.

#7 is probably the color that most resembles what our eye will see under this condition. Don't forget, the human brain has a way of adjusting what we see as colors and conrasts. Of which until now, the camera still does not have that ability.

#2 is probably the image that I like the most among these, but with a slight adjustment on the colors, Hope you do not mind, I have posted an screen shot of how I would adjust this photo to what I think is an improvement, but just my one-sided opinion.


Thanks again for your informational posting, keep it coming.
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發表於 2012-2-16 08:41:02 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2012-2-16 09:08:32 | 顯示全部樓層
dswhkg 發表於 2012-2-15 18:02
首先要說明一下, 小弟拍攝美女的經驗不多, 在這班門弄斧, 有何錯謬, 敬請指教.

小弟拍攝美女的過程, 有幾 ...

又一精華之貼 !
用心分享, 精心之作
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發表於 2012-2-16 10:02:31 | 顯示全部樓層
影女真係多學問, 要認認真真揾d女出黎先得.
我很少影人, 個人喜歡色偏紅黃, 看上去較開心.....所以選#3的色温.
原來碧咸Ching才是真正的快槍手, 一小時內可完成這麼繁重的工作. 佩服, 佩服!
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發表於 2012-2-16 10:20:23 | 顯示全部樓層
oldcake 發表於 2012-2-16 10:02
影女真係多學問, 要認認真真揾d女出黎先得.
我很少影人, 個人喜歡色偏紅黃, 看上去較開心.....所以選#3的色 ...

Oldcake brother 又讚你快槍手,
你怎麼能有這麼多漂亮的朋友 ar .... !!!
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發表於 2012-2-16 10:47:00 | 顯示全部樓層
Ï love no. 2, 5, and 7.  I like to taking photos.  Although I don't know much, think the pics that I have chosen are the best of your posted.
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發表於 2012-2-16 10:56:18 | 顯示全部樓層
Sexy and pretty girls! Really just taking pictures only??
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-2-16 11:00:36 | 顯示全部樓層
luvsupernatural 發表於 2012-2-16 00:46
我自己比較喜歡 (2) ...

玩燈/閃燈, 是個很有趣的領域, 自主控制光源. 值得深入研究, 是很好玩的!
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-2-16 11:03:41 | 顯示全部樓層
figogo 發表於 2012-2-16 03:20
thanks for teaching  useful information
what is "Incandescent"?

Incandescent 是相機白平行設定的選項, 中文多叫"鎢絲燈"或"白熾燈"
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-2-16 11:23:33 | 顯示全部樓層
FunDragon 發表於 2012-2-16 06:43
Thanks for posting your useful and insightful information.

These are very nice images, there are fe ...

First of all, all the sample photos are old photos, and were posted in a hurry manner, so no post-processing were done.

#3  is the kind of WB that my images uses most often, especially for the US market where warmer skin tone is more preferred by most.

I also like the color tone of #3, good for sexy girl, but in HK, some people like more white skin tone.

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 樓主| 發表於 2012-2-16 11:30:32 | 顯示全部樓層
FunDragon 發表於 2012-2-16 06:43
Thanks for posting your useful and insightful information.

These are very nice images, there are fe ...

#2 most viewer will like this for it's feel and non-posed look, but an image like this is only good when it is among many well posed shots. as a change of pace spontaneous shot . Color Balance on this shots is also very nice, if you de-saturate it a bit will give you that 白裡透紅的感覺.

See which one is better:

This is my adjusted version:

After de-saturate, as your suggestion:

Further de-yellow, i.e. remove the yellow tone from skin:

Original Old photo

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 樓主| 發表於 2012-2-16 11:38:15 | 顯示全部樓層
回覆 FunDragon 的帖子

#8 one of the most used color tones in greater China area  I think, sometime call 亞寶色調. IF you just show that one picture only, without the presence of the other images, this picture will look very good to most people, but after seeing the other, this color will look kind of un-natural compare to the others, hence the popularity and approval decreases a little.
Totally agree with you.
These color is quite popular among the net photos in China region, but personally I feel un-nature.... may be, as you said, if the whole album use this color tone, people may feel better.

#7 is probably the color that most resembles what our eye will see under this condition. Don't forget, the human brain has a way of adjusting what we see as colors and conrasts. Of which until now, the camera still does not have that ability.
Yes, this image resembles with people's mind, but actually is quite different from reality, I mean it is quite different if no flash light was applied.
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 樓主| 發表於 2012-2-16 11:41:04 | 顯示全部樓層
回覆 FunDragon 的帖子

#2 is probably the image that I like the most among these, but with a slight adjustment on the colors, Hope you do not mind, I have posted an screen shot of how I would adjust this photo to what I think is an improvement, but just my one-sided opinion.

You mean #5?
The color tone of this photo was created using camera AWB.
The following photo was adjusted by me, what you think now:

Original old photo:

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 樓主| 發表於 2012-2-16 11:55:05 | 顯示全部樓層
oldcake 發表於 2012-2-16 10:02
影女真係多學問, 要認認真真揾d女出黎先得.
我很少影人, 個人喜歡色偏紅黃, 看上去較開心.....所以選#3的色 ...

邊有一個小時, 都是10分鐘內完成的, 我的確是攝影快槍手!

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