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進修! QS 好或是 Construction Project Management 好?

發表於 2012-7-10 22:41:51 | |閱讀模式


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進修! QS 好或是 Construction Project Management 好?
發表於 2012-7-23 20:59:56 |
QS would be easier to know what to do i.e QS

CPM, frankly speaking, are u really thinking u can be a Project Manager ???
 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-23 21:53:19 |
What's the job nature of QS ?
 樓主| 發表於 2012-7-23 21:53:58 |
What's the difference between QS and CPM ?
發表於 2012-7-29 00:50:04 |
qs is 工料測量,算係專業。。CPM就係工程管理,師兄之前係做開邊飯?如果你有一定經驗可以升到SITE AGENT/PM就讀CPM,如果想塭一行專門就QS
發表於 2012-7-29 01:22:32 |

because there is a professional membership.

CPM......blow water subject~!
發表於 2012-12-1 16:07:38 |
qs 唔好撈架,做foreman or land survey仲好啦.
發表於 2012-12-5 21:49:33 |
好唔好撈主要看時勢,一般來說,QS, LS,CPM 都差唔多,只是工種不同,做個行厭個行,你睇我好,我睇你好。建築行搵食不算太難,只是時好時差,97前的十大工程時,那一行的需求都大。進修,要看你年紀和現時的工作。不論那一行,工作經驗是首要的,不要輕易改行。要是新入行,那就先讀VTC。LS 比較辛苦,Foreman需求比較多一點。QS的需求最大,前期建做期和後期的工程都需要。三個工種都有技術員級和技師級,所以要看你的目的是那一級才能決定進修的途徑。
發表於 2013-4-11 05:15:27 |
回應 bilibala167 #5 的帖子

Hi, ching, I would like to ask you where to study QS in a cheaper way and faster way

Thank you very much for your help
發表於 2013-4-11 05:15:44 |
回應 klmok1 #8 的帖子

Hi, ching, I would like to ask you where to study QS in a cheaper way and faster way

Thank you very much for your help
發表於 2013-4-25 19:19:46 |
QS la!! I studied Construction PM la. Still hard to get a job.
發表於 2013-4-30 22:25:56 用手機發表 |
想專業, QS
想是旦搵野讀下, CPM


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